The problem is, my endeavor does nothing to stop him tonight. What if Nyssa’s turning up to the partyforhim?

My hand curls into a fist on the dinner table and I’m clenching my jaw. The same hot pulse of anger returns, ever intensifying the deeper down the obsessive hole I seem to fall.

If he so much as breathes in her direction…

Theo notices first. “What’s that look for?”

I twitch out of my rage-induced trance, blinking to find two sets of eyes on me. Theo’s curiosity and our father’s shrewd analyzation. He’s doing what he always does, crunching numbers, figuring out probabilities, drawing conclusions.

“There was no look,” I mutter, unfurling my dinner napkin. “When will we order?”

“We’re waiting on someone,” Dad says. His pale eyeslight up for the first time since we’ve arrived. “Ah, there she is. Right on time, as asked.”

I glance over my shoulder to follow where his gaze has landed.

My stomach drops as if bottomless. There’s no end in sight as dread fills the void. Instant, cold, paralyzing dread that has me gaping at the woman approaching our table.

Veronica pastes a bright smile onto her angular face. “Evening, everyone.” Then she cuts me a special look, her smile widening. “Happy Birthday, Theron.”

It’s a rarity that I’m ever speechless beyond my control.

This is one of those rare moments.

I can only stare back as she takes the final empty chair at the four-person candlelit table. Theo’s jaw has dropped open, her eyes bulging. But Dad couldn’t be more pleased, welcoming Veronica with kind words and a mention about the wine selection.

“How’s your father doing, Veronica?” he asks. “I was reading an article about him in the paper. Is it true he’s considering a career in politics?”

“My father has always dreamed big,” she answers primly. “It seems natural after his successful reign in banking. Which reminds me, Theron, he’s been asking about you. Maybe the three of you can go golfing again sometime.”

Suddenly, it all makes sense. The special birthday dinner at Le Canard. His and my mother’s recent comments about my breakup with Veronica. The surprise guest.

This is about his quest to fix me. Remake me in his image.

I need the right woman on my arm from the right family. A family as rich and prestigious as the Fairchilds, who own half of Castlebury.

It wouldn’t be the first time he’s done this. Veronica and I first got involved because our families pushed for us to date.

I let it happen then, but how can I possibly let it happen again?

My shock takes so long to wear off that I miss half of the conversation happening around me. Theo’s launched into scolding Dad for inviting her.

“How could you? You said it would just be us!”

“I don’t recall those words coming out of my mouth, Theodora.”

“This bitch keyed Theron’s car!”

“I would rather be a bitch than a butch,” Veronica snaps back, color spreading across her cheeks.

“This butch will kick your ass if you’re not careful.”

“Theodora,” Dad hisses. “Language.”

I finally regain enough sense to check back into the moment. I rise to my feet, tossing my cloth dinner napkin on the table, the pulse of anger beating thicker and hotter off me than ever before.

My usual mild-mannered demeanor is nowhere to be found.

Dad realizes this a split second too late, his eyes flickering with unease.