Unlike earlier tonight, she’s not holding her head high. She’s not brimming with optimism, determined to make the best out of a bad situation.
Instead, there’s a subtle tremor in her shoulders that has nothing to do with the fact that she’s wearing a sleeveless dress in fifty-degree weather.
I don’t immediately make a move toward her, telling myself it’s not my problem.She’snot my problem. I can just pretend I didn’t see her and continue on my way.
Forget our paths ever crossed.
But Ididsee her.
As guarded and standoffish as I may be, I’m not completely heartless.
How would I feel if Dylan were in Abbey’s shoes? If she left her ex and he retaliated by reporting her car as stolen, leaving her stranded in the middle of nowhere? I’d hope someone would help my sister if she were in that position.
I may regret this tomorrow, but after the day Abbey’s had, she deserves a little humanity.
So against my better judgment, that’s exactly what I decide to do.
Show her some humanity.
“It’s okay,” I tell myself, hoping the more I repeat the words, the more I’ll believe them. “It’ll all be okay. You just need to get through tonight, and then you can figure a way out of this mess. Maybe you’ll get lucky and Dad will actually give a shit.”
A bitter laugh escapes my throat at the ridiculousness of the suggestion, considering my father hasn’t lifted a finger to help me since I turned eighteen. Before that, he made himself out to be the equivalent of Mother Teresa whenever he did anything remotely helpful.
I can’t worry about that now, though. I have to remain positive. Otherwise, I’ll break. And I refuse to break.
Even if it’s taking every ounce of strength I possess not to curl up into a ball over my current predicament.
Not only did Carson report my car stolen, he did the same for all my debit and credit cards, leaving me penniless. Since my cell phone died hours ago and I left my charger in the car, I’m officially stranded in the middle of nowhere without a place to stay and no means of getting out of here.
At least tonight.
I just have to make it a few more hours. Then everything will be okay. It has to be.
One day, I’ll look back on all of this and laugh.
Today is not that day.
A sharp snap of a branch echoes through the stillness, causing me to jolt and turn toward the sound. My breath catches in my throat when I see a figure approaching.
And not just any figure.
As if it weren’t bad enough to come face-to-face with the man who tried to convince me love is bullshit when I walked into the taproom earlier. Now he’s here, witnessing me at the lowest I’ve been in a while. I don’t know why I’m surprised. This is just the cherry on the top of an already horrible day.
“Abbey?” Jude raises a single brow as he moves closer. “What are you doing here?”
“Just enjoying the view.”
Discreetly wiping away any evidence of tears, I stand and straighten the wedding dress I’d give anything to rip off my body, but it’s all I have. Maybe there’s a nearby thrift store where I can sell it tomorrow. Make some money and get some other clothes.
“Living in San Francisco, you don’t really get to see the stars this clearly.”