“Here you go.” An envelope lands on the table I’m wiping down with a thud.

“What’s this?” I ask Jude as I straighten, my muscles sore from running around the taproom all afternoon.

Despite how hectic it was, especially at first, I actually enjoyed myself today. I missed working. Missed feeling useful.

“Your share of this afternoon’s tips.”

I grab the envelope and open it, my eyes widening at the large stack of cash, mostly twenties.

“Plus your hourly pay. Hope you don’t mind it’s all cash. Don’t tell the IRS.” He winks, his lighthearted nature shining through once more.

“Your secret’s safe with me, but this isn’t necessary.” I attempt to hand the envelope back to him.

“You worked your ass off this afternoon, Abbey.”

“I didn’t help you for the money. I did it because I wanted to repay the favor.”

“You did more than repay the favor. I would have been fucked without you, especially when Lindsey had to leave early to take care of her kid. So take the money. You earned it. Plus, I’m sure you could use it right now.”

He has a point. This is enough for me to afford a cheap motel room somewhere for a week or two while I figure out my next move.

“Thank you.” I stuff the envelope in the back pocket of my jeans.

“Come on. You’ve earned a beer.”

I look around the vacant taproom, not another soul in sight. But there are still dirty glasses on several of the tables. “I haven’t finished cleaning yet.”

“Leave it. I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

“I don’t mind. I?—”

“Well,Icould use a beer, and I’d rather not drink alone.” He treats me to a hint of a smile, his teeth brilliant against his tan skin. If I thought he was handsome before, he’s even sexier now.

“Fine,” I eventually relent, unable to say no to that smile. Not to mention, a beer sounds incredible after being on my feet all afternoon.

I follow him toward the bar, my eyes tracing his every movement as he pulls out a stool for me before hoisting himself over the counter, landing behind it with ease.

“I would have laughed my ass off if you fell,” I tease as I climb onto the stool, my feet sighing with relief.

“I’ve done that more times than I can count.”

“Fall or jump over the bar?” I lift a playful brow.

“Both.” He grabs a clean glass from the counter. “What’ll it be? Imperial again like last night?”

I shift my eyes to the large board overhead, even though I have the tap list memorized after working the past few hours.

As I poured the various beers people ordered, I made a point to read up on each of them. The IPAs seem to be the most popular, but I don’t want to have something everyone else has.

“What’syourfavorite?” I ask.

“They’re all my favorite. I wouldn’t sell them if I didn’t like them.” He tilts his head and studies me. “Want to try something new?”

“Why? So I can be your guinea pig?”

“That’s what my brothers and sister are for. Follow me.”

With ease, he jumps back over the counter and leads me toward the back hallway. A wall of glass peers into a large space filled with several steel vats in varying sizes.