Fantastic, I would wash my hair at a time when I had zero time to dry it. Now I'm going to head down to the lobby looking like a drowned rat, only to, no doubt, turn into a damn Pomeranian the instant it starts to dry. Fuck it. I'm a writer. Thiswill all turn into content eventually. My momentary discomfort could be my next best seller.

"How are there no rooms available? At least six inches of snow are covering the roads right now, and it's still falling. There must be people who haven't made it in to fulfill their reservations."

When the meteorologists forecasted snow, they did not mention these amounts. This is a rare front. Colorado may see, on average, four to eight inches over a month this time of year, and we got much overnight.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Estes. The hotel was nearly fully booked before the storm hit with all the events over the past weekend. Many guests extended their stays last night when flights started getting delayed. You're welcome to stay in the lobby or common spaces until you can make other arrangements?—"

"Other arrangements? What other accommodations do you think I will be making when we are snowed in for all intents and purposes?" I say my tone louder, drawing the attention of a few guests, including Colton Callahan, who happens to be speaking to another concierge at the far end. If lightning struck me down right here, right now, I'd be okay with that. "Is there a waitlist? If someone leaves by chance, can you call me?"

"Yes, I can put you on a waitlist. However, there are currently three people ahead of you…" He nods toward the lobby lounge, where a large fire is burning in the hearth, surrounded by two families, both with young kids and what looks like another young couple. "If it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one currently without a room."

This is the only convention center in town. It also happens to be the only hotel within an hour's radius, which means if I don't want to sleep in the lobby, I have to swallow my pride and my hate and do the last thing I want to do: ask Colton Callahan if I can room with him.

When I look up to see if he's still at the far end of the front desk, I see him heading toward the elevator. Shit. With my two large suitcases in tow, I run after him. "Callahan," I call out before he gets into the open elevator. He turns, and the swagger in his step coupled with the way his dark eyes land on mine have me stumbling over my own feet. Before I can face plant, he catches me under my arms. Damn it. Why does he have to smell good? I may loathe Colton Callahan with just about every bone in my body, but I'm not blind. His personality might suck, but his looks do not. He's man candy personified. If I didn't know him, and he wasn't half the reason my high school years sucked, I'd be interested. I mean... I'd also have to be shallow, but that's neither here nor there.

"Christ, Posey. Are you still drunk?"

And there it is. That mouth. The one that reminds me looks aren't everything. "No, I'm not drunk," I say as I push out of his hold. "These floors are too squeaky, and my tennis shoes couldn't keep up." I pull up the zipper on my hoodie, regretting my choice of opting out of a bra when I left my room. To my credit, I didn't expect to be roomless. I dressed for the inconvenience of switching rooms.

His eyes briefly flick over my appearance, my leggings, white tee, and gray hoodie clearly displeasing to him as a slight scowl appears before he says, "You're no longer in need of rescue, so if you'll excuse me, I have a call I need to take."

I roll my lips so I don't snap back with a rude comment. Rescue! He's acting like he just stepped before a bus or something. I tripped, and he barely gave me two seconds tocorrect myself before he pressed his well-defined pecs against my braless chest. Fucker. I internally douse the flames that threaten to boil because right now, I need his help.

"Can I stay with you?"

"No," he answers without even considering my request.

"Do you have someone staying with you? I can make myself scarce for a few hours tonight." I can't help but look down at my feet, as I feel hella awkward saying that.

"No, there is no one staying with me, including you." He steps away and reaches for the elevator button. Why does he have to be such an ass?

"Look, I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't an emergency. Obviously, I can't leave, and the front desk said there are no rooms available." His void expression tells me my pleas are falling on deaf ears. That's when it dawns on me to use my connection. "What would Archer say if he knew you left his sister stranded without a room in the middle of a snowstorm?"

He raises a brow as a smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth. "He'd thank me for not sleeping with his sister."

My eyes widen. "Excuse me? I'm not proposing sex. I'm asking to sleep on your pullout couch or chair. Hell, the floor will do, but I'm most definitely not asking for any of your appendages to come near mine… Gross."

"Gross?" he questions. "I've been called dirty, nasty, and downright filthy but gross… that's new. I can promise you a night in my bed is anything but gross."

How could I forget he's not only a dick but a cocky one at that? "That's great. That's really great for you." I slap my thighs. "But how about that couch? I'll pay for the room," I rush out, trying to sweeten the deal.

"We both know I don't need your money. The answer is still no, Posey."

My cheeks heat with anger when he uses that nickname. Ugh, I want to stomp my feet and throw a fit. I'm so mad I could spit. I can't believe he's actually saying no to me. "Can I at least use your bathroom? I was thrown out of my room before I could put myself together."

His eyes narrow as the elevator doors open behind him. "Fine."

He doesn't offer to grab a bag, instead opting to make his way to the back of the elevator and watch as I clumsily haul my large suitcases in before the doors close in my face. But this time I pay it no mind. He can be an ass all he wants. Karma's about to bite him in his Burberry ass.



"What do you think you're doing?" I demand as I watch Josephine throw herself onto my bed.

"Making myself at home," she parrots as she tucks her hands behind her head.

"I already told you you're not staying in my room." I walk over to the bed and slap the sole of her shoe, uncrossing her legs so that she doesn't continue to make herself cozy in my space.