The second we open the front door, Archie is there. It's hard for him not to be. The farmhouse is open concept living with the living room, kitchen, and dining all open to each other.

"There you are. I've been looking for you. I went to the barn after you didn't answer and found your phone on the table where I left it to play the music last night. Where were you?" he asks as Snowball jumps on my chest.

"Hey, buddy," I say, grateful for the small distraction. As we walked up the hill to the house, I thought of all the things I would start with, but now that I'm standing here looking for an answer, nothing comes to mind. However, it’s time.

As I search for my words, Colton says, "Posey fell asleep at her computer again in the barn. I ran into her while walking the tree lot, noting what needed to be cleaned up before we opened it tonight."

I close my eyes and swallow down the hurt. In the truck, we agreed no more hiding, and here he is still telling lies. "I need tofeed Snowball," I say as I stomp off toward my room, where I've been keeping his food, uncaring of what Archer needed. I'm so mad I can barely see straight. I want to scream at him. I want to call him out and say, "Are you fucking serious right now?" And I would if I didn't think it would hurt my brother.

"JoJo, wait up. I need to tell you something," Archie says as he follows me to my bedroom.

"Can it wait until I've showered and changed?" I'm suddenly desperate to wash every inch of my body with scalding hot water.

"Not really. A car will be here any minute to pick me up," he says as he follows me into my room.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" I say as I pull Snowball's food out of my closet and pour it into his bowl.

"I'm flying to Nashville. Remember that news I had for you last night? This is it."

I stand and cross my arms as I try to piece together what he's saying. "Does this have to do with some of the hops contracts you were working on?"

"Yes, Urban Chestnut sent over a contract for firm bulk quantities for the next five years."

"Are you serious?" I squeal, unable to hide the excitement in my voice. "That's huge."

"But that's not all. They loved this season's holiday brew. They agreed to produce and distribute, as a seasonal offering with Estes Peak branding on it."

"Oh my god, Archie. That's… that's… I'm at a loss for words. I can't believe it. This is a really big deal. Do Mom and Dad know?"

He rolls his lips. "Not yet, I haven't signed on the line. I sent the contract to our lawyer yesterday and told Urban Chestnut I wanted to come down and tour the facility before I accepted. It's our brand, and you, more than anyone, know how important it is to ensure we do our research. Yes, they are a reputable namein the industry, but what if they have practices behind the scenes that we don't agree with?" His chest deflates, and he rocks back on his heels. "I just want to make sure it's not too good to be true. It feels like I swung for the stars and landed on the moon."

"You got this. If it's not meant to be, it's because something better is waiting behind the next door." I sit on my bed. "So you're leaving today. When do you expect to get back?"

He grimaces before he says, "I'll be gone for a week."

"A week!" I repeat, unable to hide my anxiety. This is literally our busiest week of the year.

"I know. I hate to do this to you now, and for the record, the invitation was extended to you as well, but I knew we both couldn't be gone. I promise I'll make it up to you–"

I hold up my hand. "There's nothing to make up for. This is a requirement. The timing just sucks. Don't worry about me. The place will still be standing when you return."

He rubs his jaw. "You have Colton to help out until I get back, and I'll call Kieran on my way to the airport."

"I got this Archer. I don't need a man to help me."

His eyes study mine, and I can tell he has more to say, but whatever it is will have to wait because the sound of a horn blowing in the driveway has him patting his pockets. "Okay, well. I think I have everything. Call me if you need anything, and if shit gets too crazy, I can always come home early."

"Go," I say as I get off the bed and push him out of my room. "I'll be fine, the house will still be standing and trees will be sold. I plan on beating your record while you're away." He sold one hundred and ninety-eight trees on opening weekend last year.

"Are we counting wreaths too? If so, you'll need to sell one hundred and ten."

I give him one last push on the shoulder. "Wreaths too, now go." I shoo him with my hand before closing the door. Great. I have so much work to do, but first I need a shower.

I've showered, dressed, and put on more makeup than usual for a day of working on the farm, but you better believe I dressed to kill. If I must be around Colton, I'm going to make him regret every second of keeping me a secret. We had talked about coming clean to Archie, and he lied again. I don't understand it, but I'm past trying to figure it out. My heart hurts, and I'm more than capable of picking up the pieces. I'll be fine. I just want him to go. It's that thought that had me hurrying out the back door instead of lingering. I haven't even made it halfway across the lawn before I hear him call my name.

"Josephine, wait," he yells as I hear his boots hit the stairs.

"Go home, Colton," I call out, not bothering to stop my stride or give him my eyes.