JoJo: I have a client in town. I'm meeting with him this weekend.

That should get them off my ass. There's a reason Colton Callahan is still single in his thirties. He's not looking, and even if he was, we are supposed to give people book boyfriends, not assholes. His brand of asshole is not what our reputation needs. There's no way I'm taking him on as a client. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I grab my suitcases and close the door. Good riddance.



Iwish I could say I can't believe I woke up this morning on top of my best friend's sister, but that would be a lie. It's been months since I've been with anyone, but even that's not the entire truth. The truth is reality is a bitch. I've always had a thing for Josephine Estes. Her thick, long blonde hair, eyes that change color with the sun, and gumption that rivals most of the men I know, never fails to stir things inside of me. Admitting feelings I've buried deep the whole time I've known her doesn't change who we are. It doesn't change that I can't make her mine. I've just checked out a day earlier than planned, destination unknown, when an unmistakable scent assaults my senses. It's the same one that forced me out of my room early, knowing I couldn't bear to smell it lingering, and marinate in the memories of the girl that wore it, so I have no answer for why my feet are carrying me toward the offender now.

"Roads are clear," I state the obvious like a tool. It can't be helped I'm still trying to piece together why I'm standing next to her instead of hiding behind the cement posts on the other side of the porte-cochère.

Her eyes leave her phone, which she was typing away on as I walked up, and she visibly pulls in a stuttered breath, which I appreciate too much. I've only ever seen her annoyance. I'm the guy she loves to hate, but that stutter just now wasn't annoyance; it was something more. It's possible what I did this morning offended her deeply, but while I don't remember what happened while I was sleeping, something I'm grateful for as much as I am pissed, I know what I saw when I opened my eyes. Flushed cheeks and hungry eyes. She liked it.

"Yeah… um I was going to say bye, but my ride texted me and?—"

"Posey, you should know by now you can't bullshit a bullshitter."

She clicks her phone off and shoves it into the back pocket of her jeans. "Fair enough."

I'm comfortable with silence. As a lawyer, it's part of the territory; a lot can be learned from others' discomfort in a room cloaked in quietude. But for the first time in forever, it's the last thing I want. "Is your Uber late?"

"Something like that," she says as she takes her backpack off and wraps the straps around the top of her suitcase. Her tongue darts out to moisten her lips as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Where are you off to?"

My mouth opens to respond, but my words are stolen by the blare of a horn as it honks its hello while rounding the circle drive, and her face lights up. I track the direction of her eyes, and that's when I see him, my best friend, her older brother, Archer Estes, pulling up in a black truck with a horse trailer in tow.

He barely puts the truck in park before he hops out and circles the front to hug her. They've always been close, even back in the day when she would fall victim to one of our poorly executed traps for one of the guys. He only let us take things so far. I'd catch him checking on her every time we'd walkaway, ensuring her feelings weren't hurt too badly. He allowed a certain amount of teasing to ensure nothing else would happen, like one of his friends catching feelings for his sister.

"Oh my god, you grew a beard," she squeals as she pulls out of his embrace.

"Yeah," he runs his fingers through the short hair. "You know how things get busy. I've had a lot on my plate, and rushing around trying to get shit done didn't leave much time for anything else. I'm lucky I get time to shower. This popped up, and I liked it, so I kept it."

"I'm sure you'll have women eating out of your hand," I say, walking up behind him and smacking his shoulder. "Who doesn't love a man in flannel with a beard?" I jest.

He turns, recognition quickly registering before he pulls me in for a pound hug. "No fucking way. What are you doing here?" he says lightheartedly before his hands firmly grip my shoulders. "Wait," he pushes back, his eyes flicking between me and Josephine. "You two aren't together, are you?"

"Archie, don't be ridiculous," she answers quickly, nerves slightly cracking her tone before she recovers. "So where's this surprise you were telling me about?"

She asks just as Kieran Frost jumps down out of the passenger seat. Kieran wasn't in our friend group in high school. Back then, he was more of a loner, the emo kid that floated around in the shadows. I never really liked him, but not because of his personality. I didn't know the guy. I didn't like him because Josephine did. That's not saying much. The list of people she didn't like was much shorter, and I was on it.

"Hi, Kieran," she says as Archer puts her suitcases in the cab of the truck.

"Hey JoJo," he says, with a swagger in his nod that makes my fist clench. That was definitely a flirtatious hello. I saw theway his eyes did a quick scan of her body. "Callahan." He turns toward me and extends his hand. "It's been a while."

I grip his hand hard, harder than necessary, but he's not the scrawny emo kid I remember graduating from high school with. "At least ten years," I answer. He's grown up and filled out. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it looks like he's been working on the farm. Sure, I've been back since graduation, and I see Archer at least twice a year, but I haven’t run into Kieran.

Josephine walks to the cab and tosses her shoulder bag in before joining Archer at the truck bed. "So is Kieran my surprise or…" her comment has both of us turning toward the pair.

"No, of course not." He slaps the trailer behind him. "Beau is."

"Beau," she repeats. "Wait," she gestures toward the trailer. "You have an animal in there?"

In her defense, the trailer could easily be mistaken for one they've used a thousand times at Christmas tree lots for sales.

"Yep, I bought a horse."

"You bought a horse?" she squeals in excitement. "I've always wanted a horse." She heads toward the back of the trailer. "Can I see him?"

"There will be plenty of time for that. It's why I'm ten minutes late. I had to pull over to settle him down. I'd rather not open it again. This is the first time he's been trailered, and he's not loving it."