“Huh? No! That’s her dad.”
“Yeah.” I huffed. “He was her dad a few minutes ago when he was waving that gun at me with her right there…”
“Listen. That girl is well protected, okay? She’s had all of one prior relationship under her belt. They dated from her freshman year until a few weeks after graduation. He was controlling, and he smacked her a few times. When she graduated, she wanted to go to college, and he said no. When she sent the application, he sent a video of her going down on him to social media.”
“Yeah?” I couldn’t keep the growl out of my voice. “Where the fuck is the asshole now?”
May swallowed a laugh, and his eyes lit up, “Well, he ain’t fuckin’ in jail. That’s for sure! Buddy left the state without his thumbs.”
When I gave him an odd side glance, he cackled.
“Mother fucker won’t be pressing the send button any time soon, ya dig?” May held his hands upin front of his torso, cupping air like he was clutching a cell phone and texting away.
“Makaveli took his thumbs?” I somehow was impressed by this; I didn’t think him capable of such fatherly energy.
“No. Her brother did.” May grinned.
I snorted, losing all interest. “That… makes sense.”
Mackie was a maniac. If I had to put money on him or his ol’ man in a street fight, I’d bank on Mackie.
“I guess.” May shrugged, before slapping my arm and pointing. He raised his finger to his lips in a plea for silence. I rolled my eyes, having noted the two girls walking a block ahead of us.
“Whatever, I gotta piss,” I announced, stepping into a part of the alley that indented, creating a corner of privacy that I had every intention of taking advantage of.
May kept walking, I didn’t see him reach the girls, but I sure heard it.
“What the fuck!” I recognized the shrill sound of Lucia’s voice the minute it blessed the air, despite the distance May had to jog to catch up with them.
The groan it produced came straight from my soul. I didn’t know anything about her, but the girl grated my last nerve withouteffort. I hadn’t even noticed it was her when he’d first pointed the pair out.
I was midstream with a handful of dick, when I felt breath against the back of my neck, I flinched and saw a hand reaching around to help me. It wasn’t until after I damn near slapped it out of socket, that I noticed the flirty pink nails.
“What’s wrong with you?” I barked, even before I could get everything put away and confront the stranger. Once I did, I found a chick holding her wrist with an expression of pained disbelief in her big, hazel eyes. They were lined in black and smoked like she had an evening affair to get to. Her eyebrows weren’t natural, but I’d never seen a pair so symmetrical in my life. Her roots were dark like Lucia, but the rest of her long hair was bleached to a caramel-blonde color.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re the one scared of a little coochie.” She gave a provocative laugh and flashed a smile that revealed a wide mouthful of perfectly straight pearly whites. They probably weren’t that white, but her dark lipstick made it seem so. The shade was so red it was almost brown.
May and Lucia joined us just as I finished zipping up.
“One is putting their dick away and the other is injured.” May narrated for his cousin, as if she didn’t have eyes of her own.
“I know.” Lucia pouted, “We missed it.”
“Yeah… no.” I shook my head and stormed past the three of them.
“Nakarii didn’t mean anything by it. She’s just too bold for her own good sometimes.” Lucia sprinted after me.
“Fuck,” I cursed under my breath, setting my jaw.
I already regretted leaving the house. Why the fuck hadn’t I just gone out to the garage until Makaveli left? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as steps fell into place behind me and those same pink nails curled around my shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” Nakarii purred, batting her fake eyelashes.
“Knock it off before you take flight,” I growled, shrugging her hand off my shoulder.
May laughed so hard he snorted, and Lucia self-consciously fussed with her own lengthy lashes. Nakarii paused to shoot Lucia a glare and then returned to my heel.
“I thought you said these were Steel legacies. These aren’t nothing but chest-thumping boys, who are too afraid of a little ass to reach out and take what they wan–”