Page 110 of The Heir

May pulled back like a shark, twisting in a way that made it obvious he’d bit the bastard. If there was any doubt, the shock on Donnie’s big blue eyes said it all.

“My mistake, I thought you were saying something about taking what I wanted.” May spat blood and meat back at the man and his hand flew up, undercut style in a slap that made Dwayne’s teeth loudly click. “I want blood, bitch. That’s what I want tonight.”

Donnie snapped out of it and gave a glance over his shoulder before jerking Dwayne down the rickety wooden steps with him. There was blood dribbling down Dwayne’s face and covering his teeth. His head seemed to bobble and sway in what looked like a struggle to hold onto consciousness.

“Oh, no. No, you don’t want to miss the last few minutes of the show,” May slapped his cheek in repetitive, annoying-sounding pops, until Dwayne was wincing to get away from him.

“There! There you are. Donnie, he’s too comfortable,” May announced.

Donnie didn’t disappoint, he rolled his shoulder and arched his back. Dwayne realized what he was doing and tried to struggle, but it was too late, Donnie heaved, and Dwayne’s toes were finally lifted off the ground. He began to twist about andscrabble at Donnie’s arm, his face turning an angry shade of red as his efforts only seemed to strangle him further.

Spittle bubbled at his lip, and it looked like the white of his right eye was turning red. The distinct smell of gasoline permeated the air, and Mackie appeared on the steps a moment later.

Dwayne heaved and I glanced back to realize Donnie had loosened his grip and let him find the ground again.

“Be still or I’ll lift again,” he told Dwayne, who was hacking and sputtering blood still.

“Please,” Dwayne’s voice was scratchy and painful sounding.

“Oh, don’t beg yet. We’re just getting started, Sweetheart,” Mackie announced.

I heard an ancient sounding squeak and looked back to see him prying open the door of a very rusty dog cage.

Donnie shuffled forward a few steps and Dwayne started throwing elbows. Mackie grabbed the front of his hair and jerked him out of Donnie’s arms, bending him so that he was low enough to fit in the door of the pet kennel. He delivered a rough kick to Dwayne’s ass that sent him sprawling inside and slammed the door shut behind him.

“No. No, please!” Dwayne pleaded, while Mackie fought with the latch on the door. Dwayne tried to shove his fingers through the tiny holes and stop him, but Mackie sprang up and kicked at the door.

Dwayne howled, and it took him a few tries to get his fingers back inside due to the odd angle those last two were now jutting out in.

“You like to play with fire? You like to fuck with pregnant woman?” Mackie roared at him before grabbing the edges of the cage and sliding it and Dwayne toward the steps.

Donnie and May rushed forward, each of them grabbing a side.

“Stop, please. Please, I didn’t mean it.” Dwayne turned hysterical when he realized where he was headed.

For a split second, I froze when I noticed the dark smoke and realized he’d already lit the fire.

“Blaze, a little help,” Mackie grunted, as they struggled to right the cage in the air with Dwayne going batshit inside it.

“Fuck.” I ran forward and grabbed the middle hefting it up to the floor of the trailer.

We all dropped at once, causing Dwayne to catch his fingers again.

He screamed and thrashed, but it didn’t deter Mackie any, he grabbed the edges of the kennel and slung it like a merry go round. Dwayne bounced off either wall, his pitiful howls growing worse by the minute as the flames drew closer.

Mackie launched the cage into the inferno and started back toward the door without a second glance.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he huffed, clearly winded from the exercise and smoke.

I saw a blur of movement and sucked in a breath that I couldn’t seem to shove out fast enough, “Mack–”

He whirled, drawing the beretta as he did so. I drew, too. I saw a flash of knife high in the air coming at Mackie and I heard the faint noise of the beretta jamming.

I didn’t hesitate, I pulled the trigger.

Chapter Forty-One
