“He visited her?” I forgot all about the club business, she had my full attention.
Sheriff Philpot gave an ‘of course’-style nod, “Absolutely. Anthony Aviston was a family man. You, him and your mother all three went to see her. The physician admitted it had a positive effect on the patient even if he had originally called because he thought Anthony Aviston a threat.”
“He threatened my aunt’s doctor?”
“No, it’s just the way he spoke, the doctor wasn’t used to biker speak.”
I sighed, “I’d give anything to see that footage.”
“You don’t have to give anything, you just have to file a freedom of information act form and we’ll give you a copy.”
“Get the fuck out of here,” I blurted out, only to hold a hand up apologetically, “I mean–”
She laughed, “You’re just like him, I see. I know what you meant, but yes– Swing by and we’ll get that for you, I caution, though– the content is sensitive, the conversation is with a physician relating to the incidents leading up to that hospitalization.”
“Gotcha.” I nodded and sucked in a breath realizing how much time had passed, “Listen, I’m on the clock with security for this place, but I’m going to get out of you guys’ hair a while. I’ll be over there on the edge of the lot.”
I pointed toward the bikes.
“Fair enough, we’ll flash the lights on the way out to let you know the lot is yours again, but the inside is off limits until I speak with Michael Miller.”
“Understood, appreciate ya.” I nodded and shoved my hands into my jean pockets before casually starting across the lot.
That forty-five had never felt heavier in the back of my pants.
I was convinced she could see it, then I was worried it was going to flop out.
“Fuck,” I exhaled, once I reached the clubhouse.
“Bout fuckin’ time,” May teased before shaking up with me.
“They said they’ll do the lights on the way past, so we know they’re gone for the night.” I told Makaveli, who was smoking a cigarette under the canopy.
“Great.” He rolled his eyes.
I used the remaining time to make sure I could be seen leaning against the wall or pacing with my phone on the edge of the lot.When the others came out, I put it in my pocket and made my way to my bike.
Chapter Forty
I fell in love with riding all over again on that trip to Dwayne’s trailer. I didn’t think anything could be better than racing, but the feeling that came over me when I rode in that pack was life changing. All that iffy shit vanished. I knew in my bones this was where I belonged. The vibration of the bike soothed my racing heart, it made my thoughts clearer. The steady growl of those bikes spoke to my soul, it woke something up that I’d die before I let go of.
We turned off the highway and slowed the bikes along a patch of woods. Mackie pointed and May and Donnie veered off toward the ditch. I slowed it down and followed them across it, coming to a stop next to the trees.
“The road wasn’t good enough?” I asked once the engines were off.
“Yeah, if you want someone to see them.” May laughed.
“Angle them so anyone driving by doesn’t catch the lights and come for a closer look.” Mackie instructed, giving a look around the area with a squint. He popped the stash spot on his bike and took out a small flashlight.
“Are you trying to be seen?” I puffed up, not believing my eyes.
“Absolutely not.” Mackie sang back, while slowly shifting his light about, “Which is why I’m making sure there are no trail cams to catch our plates.”
“Fucking hell I forgot about those things,” I followed after him and strained my eyes.
We didn’t find any, but he shut it off several yards from the house, “I don’t know why anyone would put a trail cam up on the edge of the woods, but we’ll check on the way back to be sure.”