I’d seen her around Lucia a time or two, but I didn’t really know her. The name tag said Nakarii, and the personality screamed drama. I kept our interactions as minimal as possible, while maintaining my polite composure and working together as required.
“Something is going on out past Steel Cages, according to that one group, Happenings of Swanwick,” she whispered, while we were sitting beside each other, assisting residents with their lunch. “I guess half the county cops are out there as we speak.”
“That thing is a gossip rag.” I dryly chuckled.
“Most of social media is,” Aunt Carly chimed in, while assisting with trays nearby.
“Social media is what's wrong with these kids,” A resident in bright pink sweatpants and a floral top began to lecture.
“You might be onto something, Mrs. Dagen,” Aunt Carly chirped, with a friendly smile.
The resident returned to her meal, and I tried to maintain the comfortable silence. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy conversationswith the residents, I just didn’t think anything having to do with the local strip club was an appropriate topic.
Thankfully, someone started to ask after this afternoon's bingo plans and all returned to normal. I recorded their meal intake and helped clear away the trays and potty those that needed assistance. Once things slowed a bit, I found Carly in the office and let her know, “I’m going to step outside for some air. I’ll be back in ten.”
“Be careful, those damn bikers are outside over at your aunt’s house.”
I gave a slow nod, unsure how that was different from any other day. I slowly strolled down the hall, answering questions from residents as I went and fetching water pitchers closer to the bed for a few.
“Tell Blaze I’ll be out to kiss him better when you come in,” Nakarii purred.
I couldn’t stop the bleat of laughter that escaped me.
“You think he needs kissed better?” I looked at her, amused by her teenage ambition. “How old are you anyhow? Sixteen?”
“Nah, I’m eighteen. I’ll graduate this year,” she announced, before stretching her arms over her head and straining her massive breasts against her tucked in uniform top.
“Ah. All grown up.” I shook my head, stepping past her.
“Some men send dick pics, some whip it right out in the alley and show a girl what they have to offer.” She sang, “I knew he was the one, even before I saw that monster cock of his. They say he went to jail for fleeing and eluding. I’m going to get a taste of that just got free dick when I clock out.”
I paused and looked over my shoulder, unable to hide the disbelief that contorted my features. She pranced toward me like she was on a runway and threw her hair over her shoulder before leaning in close and whispering, “He’s pierced, too.”
“You’re fuckin’ gross,” I hissed, backing away from her.
I bumped into a linen cart and spun, tearing down the hall. I didn’t bother with the vending machine, I grabbed a chair and dragged it all the way to the fence, climbing up onto it without hesitation.
“Babe,” Blaze blurted out, sprinting toward me.
I wiggled my finger and nodded, urging him to hurry. When he reached the fence, he grabbed the top and stretched up to meet my lips. I gripped a handful of his shirt, wadded and twisted, holding him as best I could at that odd angle while I quietly asked, “Is there a reason Nakarii was gawking at your cock in an alley?”
His eyes rounded and his words collided in his throat. It wasn’t a satisfying enough sound, so I let my hand collide with the side of his face and shoved him away.
“You belong with these fuckin’ fools. You’re just like them.” I thrust a finger at the disciples gathered around Trista’s yard.
He slowly got to his feet. His eyes were dark, his chin angled down, but he was coming toward me.
“Don’t. Just go to your friends, and don’t ever look my way again. Whatever I thought– I was wrong. Nakarii can have your ass. I don’t want anything to do with you, Blaze Aviston.”
Mackie cackled, and Scottie taunted, “Got yourself a workin’ girl. A workin’ girl with a pimp hand. Best quit playin’. You ain’t gottime to be catching cases and chasing skirt. You best get a job, boy.”
I turned and hopped off the chair. I didn’t even bother dragging it back, I just forced myself to take one breath and then another and continue toward the facility. I don’t even know why I felt so betrayed. I’d been involved with him for forty-eight hours.
I felt ridiculous. Some fuck boy licked my snatch once and now the sky was falling when I had to tell him to get lost?
Whose daughter was I anyhow?
That was the last thought that went through my head, before the wooden fence splintered with a thud behind me. I whirled in time to see Blaze’s foot come flying through it with a second thud. He ripped his boot back, catching the sole on the wood in a way that made him kick wildly for a moment before landing a third solid kick that took two panels down.