His pupils were blown, his green eyes glossy. I could tell he was as stunned by my actions as I’d been by his, even if he had a wide smile.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” he returned, his breath washing over my lips. His hands claimed my ass in a decided grip and he shifted, putting me on the wall with a muffled thud. He leaned into that hold I had on his throat, hefted me off my feet, and smothered any protests I might have thought to form.
Not that any were resting on my lips. I greedily kissed him back, squeezing at his throat and sliding my hand over his stubbled jaw. He shifted abruptly, nipping, and kissing my neck. He licked over a particularly sensitive patch, and I couldn’t stop it.
“Yours,” The word came plucked from me on a moan.
He made a throaty sound like he’d tasted something delicious.
“You’re a disrespectful little mother fucker,” My brother’s familiar voice boomed behind us in the distance.
Blaze shifted, drawing his mouth away from mine, but I knew Mackie wasn’t addressing us, he was too far away. I tried to spin us again, and actually managed, he was so distracted. I snagged onto Blaze’s hair and drew his lips back into mine in another greedy kiss.
“That’s m– sister,” he loudly exploded against my mouth.
The man physically set me aside and charged through the crowd. I stumbled, completely unexpecting such a forceful reaction. I chased after him, unsure what the fuck was going on, but certain it was about to be ugly and completely about my damned brother.
By the time we reached them, Karlotti was being swarmed by Aunt Trista and Izzy. Meanwhile, Mackie was shoving May, driving at him with that unshakable rage he was so infamous for. The fucker usually couldn’t be deterred when he set his sights on a target.
“Mackie, stop.” I shouted over the music and the crowd, but I might as well have whispered. I had no fucking idea how they were roaring at each other so loudly.
“Mackie, you can kiss my whole ass, man. This shit ain’t got nothing to do with you.” May came back at him.
If he intended to shove my brother, he wasn’t going to find the chance. I’d seen Mackie fight too many times, just as I inwardly predicted, when May stepped close, Mackie swung.
He caught May in the side of the head, but it was too far back on his jaw to put him down.
“Goddamn it,” I started elbowing and pushing my way through, as various club ass excitedly tried to form a circle around them.
I heard a series of vicious-sounding blows, but I couldn’t see shit with all the girls in front of me.
“Move!” I roared, sure that May’s face was pulp by now.
I kicked someone in the back of the knee, and she folded just in time for me to see May mount my brother. Mackie’s face was bloodied, and May appeared to be getting the best of him. Blaze was standing beside them wide eyed and clearly troubled by the scene but unsure of what exactly to do.
“Bastard!” Donnie roared, when May got in a particularly ugly shot while completely immobilizing my brother with a knee on each shoulder. All he could do was eat May’s fist, over and over. It seemed like an eternity before Donnie got close. My heart was thundering in my chest. I knew better than to get between these fucks when they were like this. They’d swing on anyone who tried to separate them just as soon as they would each other. Donnie dove, and I exhaled in a rush.
“Get the fuck off each other!” Easy roared.
“I’ll be goddamned,” my father was bellowing beside him.
Steel Disciples had flung the women aside and were rounding on the men, but before Donnie landed at May’s rescue, Blaze caught him. Donnie was already in savage mode and blindly swinging. He was emotional. For every ounce of emotion Mackielacked, Donnie had two. It had always been that way. He was great to have in your corner. Blaze flung him backwards, sending my brother to his feet again. Before he even caught his bearings, Blaze threw a haymaker that caught him square. Donnie crumbled, and Blaze in autopilot landed a second to his gut on the way down.
I didn’t hear the flick of Mackie’s knife, but the glint of the metal in the moonlight caught my eye. I squinted, finding it about the same time that May did. I sucked in a breath and May caught Mackie’s wrist. They grappled and I lurched, wanting to react, but not knowing how.
Two shots rang out and half the population hit the ground. More than a few screams erupted. It was so fucking chaotic; it took me a second to realize the entire block was being illuminated in red and blue lights.
“Drop it. Drop it now!” a voice that was used to being obeyed yelled from behind me.
“Everybody down!” a similar one sounded to my right as a pair of uniformed officers shot across the yard.
“Run,” my father growled at the boys.
It was like the voice of God had addressed them all. The crowd turned into a drunken, leather-clad, disturbed hornet’s nest. Fists flew from every direction, it seemed. I heard bottles breaking. More of those authoritative voices rang out. Some with orders to the crowd, others with calls for tasers.
My father didn’t fight them, nor did he take his own advice. He and Easy allowed themselves to be apprehended without issue.
“Stand down.” Easy calmly advised those around us.