Chapter Twenty-Three
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but things moved along rather quickly after our wedding. A week later, Ava sent a formal missive with Caralee. She stood in front of me with a broad smile, waving the parchment in her hand.
“You know what this means, right, Highness?” she excitedly asked.
I glanced from where I sat on the windowsill and shrugged. Of course not, she hadn’t even opened it yet.
“It is the announcement, Highness. What else could it be?” She didn’t even wait for me to give the signal. The lady was so giddy she broke the seal and held it out for me to confiscate. I readily did so, snatching the parchment from her and looking it over skeptically. Just as she’d predicted, it was an invitation to mine and Sig’s coronation. I couldn’t take my eyes off Ava’s fancy penmanship. It was perfectly scrawled in the finest ink.
“Well…” Caralee pressed. “What does it say, Highness? When will it be?”
“Tonight. An hour before supper.” I laughed and folded the parchment. “Place this in my chest, please. I would keep it.”
“Of course, Highness.” She carefully claimed the parchment and hurried to do my bidding.
On the castle grounds below, I spotted Sig coming back from a hunt with his father. They were inseparable and when they smiled, it was easy to confuse them. They had the same ambitious baby-blue eyes. He tilted his head and planked his hand over his brow. I knew he spotted me when the smile slid over his features. I sighed, and almost scared myself at how content I felt.
I scoffed at my own youthful sentiments and poured myself a glass of wine. Moments later, Sig came barreling in the bedchamber door. He took me by the waist and kissed me like we’d been seriously parted.
“Are you okay?” I asked, once he plucked his mouth from mine and stole my wine.
“I’m wonderful. I’m about to be the fucking king… and you… you are my Queen, Renata.” He grinned and kissed me again.
He was staring at me in a tender way. It was almost uncomfortable. I smiled and settled on his lap. That was where I spent my afternoon, curled up with my head on his chest. Shortly after lunch, my ladies appeared, and a bath was drawn.
“I guess this is my cue to leave.” Sig winked, giving my cheek a gentle palming. “Until we meet again, beautiful.”
He let himself out and I surrendered to the royal treatment. My skin was scrubbed, my hair was washed and re-washed. I smelled like a sultry summer night when I stepped out of that tub. My skin was radiant, and my nails were trimmed. They helped me into a sleek, blue dress that split up to my hip and my long, black hair was curled and stacked high.
Miralee stepped in front of me at the last minute and raised her hands. Draped between them, were the pearls that Ava had been pawing at in the garden.
“Her Grace said that it would be an honor if you wore them,” Miralee explained, with a soft bow of her head.
“Very well. You may tell her that I am pleased to do so,” I managed, after a time.
There were tears in my eyes. I was truly touched by her gesture.
“Are you ready then, Highness?” Caralee asked.
I blinked away the emotion and gave the nod. We started down the hall and I was struck by how eerily quiet they were. I’d never seen the castle so empty. When we turned into the throne room, I stopped and stared. Every soul in court and some from the village were packed into the room. The front doors of the castle were opened, and people were gathered beyond to hear what they could as well. A murmur erupted outside when I came into view. The noise spread throughout the throne room as Sig joined me and we approached Sven and Cardinal Ant at the head of the room.
It was like I was intoxicated. I felt the room shrink and I suddenly couldn’t breathe. Then I became shaky and nervous. I’d never been more self-aware than I was in those few moments. Every step was thought out. My features were schooled and my eyes forward. I kept my shoulders back and my chin parallel to the ground. I tried to remember all the things that Gisla had helped me practice for. Most of all, I distracted myself by looking for her without obviously doing so.
When I saw her, the faintest smile threatened, but I overcame it, and she gave me a proud but subtle nod when I passed by her.
“This country has seen much change and success over the years,” Sven began, speaking over the crowd.
They instantly hushed.
“My brother-by-law, Enzo and my sister Gisla met you in tough times. They stood beside you. They grew with you and led you through the good years and the bad. I thank them for all that they have done, but the time has come to name my successor. It is time for my son Sigurd and his bride, Renata to claim their rightful thrones,” Sven furthered, before turning the audience over to Cardinal Ant.
The man made the sign of the cross and Sig and I were encouraged to find our knees. I nervously laughed under my breath, having forgotten that part. I adjusted my skirts and sifted toward the floor. Sig hesitated.
“Stand up,” he whispered, much to Cardinal Ant’s horror.
“Uh…” the Cardinal stammered, when Sig reached down, grabbed my arm and plucked me to my feet.