“Yes.” I nodded.
“No,” she flatly denied. “I will not be wed in rags and dragged before the thrones. If you want a tavern wench that will nod before a priest and do your bidding soon after, then I suggest you find one. I am Lady Truth, Countess of Merrimount, and I will not be treated as anything less, regardless of your station. I will have a royal wedding. I will be celebrated and honored.”
“You’re damn right you will,” my Aunt Gisla chimed from behind us. I turned as she strolled up and put her arm around Truth. “See that you treat her right, Siggy…or it will be me that you answer to.”
One look at her face told me that she was serious. My own aunt! I narrowed my eyes and glared at her.
“Do not forget where your loyalties lie,” I reminded Gisla.
“Do not presume to remind me of anything. I have shown more years of loyalty to this family than you have spent wiping your own ass,” Gisla spat, before drawing her sword. I had no choice but to take a few steps back. I raised both hands, not wanting any confrontation, no matter how playful it may or may not have been. She was my aunt!
“Unless you’re willing to say it with steel, swallow your words next time you decide to try and insult me,” Gisla warned.
I ground my teeth and glared. She was lucky I loved her.
“Find your dress.” I looked toward Truth, ignoring Gisla altogether. “There are a dozen seamstresses in town. You may have any of them charge the garment to my debt, but we will be married in Uncle Enzo’s chapel at dusk.”