Page 9 of Chosen

Chapter Seven


I was doing so well. Sir Marcus had instructed me on how to act and yet, I opened my mouth and Truth came out. I sighed and shook my head at my own stupidity. I forced myself to eat even though I was nervous and feared I’d spill more broth than I got into my mouth. Somehow, I managed, and just when I decided I was done, Sig leaned toward me.

“Run away with me?” he whispered, under his breath.

I nodded without a second thought and cut a look toward him. He slid from his chair and pulled mine back.

“You’ll excuse us,” he told Sven, before taking my hand and leading me from the room.

Once we were out of the dining hall, he started to walk a little faster. By the time we made it out the front door we were at a full trot. He was Sven’s son, so I half expected him to take me up to the hayloft when we entered the stables.

“Will you ride on my horse, or shall I have one saddled for you?” He surprised me.

I wasn’t the best at riding horses, so I nibbled on my lip and finally gave a slow thoughtful nod, “I’ll trust you to handle the beast.”

He helped me onto the horse and then he threw a leg over it and sidled up behind me. His body was snug against mine. It was a position I’d been in many times with Sven. While Sig might have had his father’s eyes, he felt nothing like him. His hand slid around my middle and held on. It wasn’t a possessive manhandling, but rather a concerned cocoon. He didn’t lean against my ear and spew obscenities and lewd commentary, but I definitely knew he was there.

It was in my nature to seduce men, it’s just what I did, even when I wasn’t trying. When things like freedom depend on it, you learned to do what you must. So, I let my weight settle against him and placed my arm over his, encouraging his hold on me. We rode hard and fast. My long hair was up in a hairpin, but a few loose tendrils whipped about. The wind rushed over my face. It tasted like salt and… him. I tilted my head, all but laying my cheek on his chest.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked in a low tone.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he led the horse toward the beach. Once we reached the sand, he slowed the horse and hopped off. He still hadn’t said anything when he weighed the reins down with a heavy boulder. His hands found my waist and he plucked me off the horse like I weighed nothing at all. It’d been years since I was manhandled like that. I gasped hard and shoved him away from me the moment my feet found the ground. He laughed and wiggled his fingers, making it clear that he wanted my hand.

“Come,” Sig simply said. “In a few days we will be married on this beach. I would walk the same shores and learn all there is to know about my bride.”

I took his hand and started alongside him. When we got close to the shoreline, he kicked off his boots, so I slid my slippers off as well. We walked with the waves lapping at our toes.

“How old were you when they told you about me?” I wondered, aloud.

He cut me a sideways glance and smiled.

“I was five years old when they told me that I was intended to a Countess in a faraway land. They explained that we would one day be married and rule the Bay together.” He licked his lips and dimples fought against his stubbled features. “I was twelve when they told me that you were my father’s former slave.”

I inhaled the salty air and listened quietly while the water sprayed in the wind, dampening my cheeks.

“I see.”

“What of you and your childhood?” he asked, before realizing what he had said.

He pawed the back of his neck and stared out at the sunset.

“You know where to find the slave children of Thor’s Ridge.”

“Behind the long hall,” he answered almost before I could finish my sentence.

“Yes. I grew up playing with the other slave children, behind the hall,” I admitted.

“There were never times that you were just… I don’t know… with your family?”

“I spent time with my mother, when she wasn’t called to warm the men’s beds,” I recalled. “She used to sing to me at night.”

“Why did she name you Truth, it’s an unusual name?”

The waves seemed so loud. I didn’t want to answer his question, things had been going well. And yet, I didn’t want to lie to him.

“She didn’t, Ozias did.” I sighed. “He said I often told the truth even when I should have lied.”