The girls all laughed good naturedly.
“Well met.” I nodded to them each, and before I could say another word, they set to undressing me and fixing my makeup. Caralee placed the purple ribbon in my hair and they all fawned over it for a moment.
“Purple is the color of royalty,” Gisla whispered when they were distracted. “It is a great honor to wear it.”
I reached up and slid the pretty piece from my head.
“It is lovely, but it isn’t for me.” My short hair wasn’t long enough to be tied, and I felt silly with it gathered around my head.
“So be it. You are the future Queen… your wish is very much their command,” Gisla encouraged.
“Truth will wear blue dress. Nothing too over the top,” I spoke up, stopping the girls in their tracks. They looked at each other and then to Gisla before Stephana Lee took the dark-blue gown off the mannequin and brought it to me.
They helped me pull the many layers of the gown over my head and made a big show of tying the strings. Then Gisla presented me with a pair of jeweled slippers. They looked delicate but the jewels were actually a little heavy. I adored them and kissed her cheek to show my thanks.
I looked in the mirror and studied the woman who was staring back at me. She looked confident. Much more so than I felt. I supposed it was a good thing.
Gisla brought a robe forth. A rich fur that had been dyed blue with white trim. It was laid on my shoulders and they all nodded.
“Truth, you are exquisite,” Gisla gushed.
She took my hand and led me to the throne room. Enzo and Sven stood near the front. Queen Ava was nowhere to be found. The room grew quiet as I entered. All the people stared at me, including Sven. He shot me a wink and reached toward the royal page.
A scroll was passed, and he quickly unrolled it and set to reading it.
“I, King Sven, first of my name do bequeath the Chateau de Merrimount and all of its lands to Lady Truth of Thor’s Ridge. I name her Countess of Merrimount and wish her good fortune in the years to come.”
Everyone clapped and several clasped my shoulder or patted my hand. It was just a few words, and with them, I was now an accepted member of their society. I was one of them. Whether I liked it or not.