Page 13 of Chosen

Chapter Nine


I dreamed of my mother and awoke with dried tears on my face. I rolled from the bed with a groan and marched to the wash basin. My long nightgown draped the floors as I went. It was a ridiculous garment. The damn thing was so thin it could be seen through in the light. I grabbed a wet rag and wiped my cheeks clean, then I stared into the mirror at the woman before me. Rather than a rabid slave, I looked like a noble woman. My hair shone from the many oils and soaps that Stephana Lee kept in stock. I ran my hands through the length of it and sighed.

Something shifted in the corner of the mirror, and I spun around to confront it. When I did, I was shocked to find Queen Ava standing in the dark corner of my room. She was gripping a long kitchen knife and copious tears were pouring down her cheeks.

“You will not ruin my blood line,” She might have meant it as a threat, but her hands were shaking more than her voice. It sounded like she was begging.

“Get out of here.” I surprised myself with the steel in my voice. “You are a queen. Act like it!”

She stepped back and the knife fell from her hand. The thing made an ugly noise against the castle floor. She jumped like it had startled her. I’d forgotten how soft-hearted Sven’s wife was, and yet I refused to take anymore abuse from the king or his family.

“You are making a fool of yourself; I have no more control over any of this than you do,” I scolded, unable to stop myself.

She lunged toward me with both hands fisted. Rather than run, I tilted my head up and boldly invited her to give it her best. She wasn’t used to such displays and stopped a mere inch in front of me. Our noses were nearly touching.

“You will leave this castle!” she hissed.

“That will do, mother.” Sig’s deep voice boomed from the doorway.

This time, we both flinched and took a step back.

“Out!” He raised his voice.

Ava’s lips parted and her brows dipped with frustration, but she started toward the door without a word.

“Take the knife with you,” Sig demanded, while following her with his eyes.

Once his mother had picked the knife up and left, his gaze swung back toward me, and I realized he was smiling.

“You think this is amusing?” I spat.

He held up his hands and while his lips twitched with denial, his eyes lit up with a smile.

“You didn’t back down from her,” he pointed out.

I shrugged, unable to be bothered by it now. Whatever wrath Sven drummed up would come when it came. I was pissed. And just like old Sven, when my temper flared, it didn't get in a hurry to wane.

“Leave me.” I pointed toward the door.

His gaze roamed up and down the length of the shift and then locked on me.

“You can’t order me out. I’m your husband.” He smiled.

“You are nothing but an expectant boy. The offspring of a madwoman and Viking who throws temper tantrums. Out!”

His eyes widened with shock. Then he laughed long and hard.

“My father was right about you,” He winked, damn near invoking that infamous rage of mine.

“Your father is a fool and so are you if you think this will work.”

His hand shot out and his fingers curled around my throat. It was enough to make me draw an abrupt breath and shut up. Rather than squeeze, his lips crashed against mine and he roughly kissed me.

He pulled back and stared down at me, his blue eyes were so full of hope and lust. I planted my hands on his chest and shoved. He backstepped a few paces and smiled at me like he was in love. The next shove sent him sprawling on my bed. I followed and saddled him. I bit his lower lip, and he ravished my mouth in return. I slid my hand up his jaw and grabbed at his long, blond hair. If he was going to look at me like that, I was going to do what I did best. I’d become his favorite drug. I’d have him craving me during his every waking moment. And I’d rule him and his kingdom through his lust. I’d been a fool to think that anything had changed at all.

I tried to pull away from him, but his fingers tangled in my hair.

“No,” he protested.

“We are not married.” I reminded him.

The fabric of his trousers teased my bare inner thighs. So, I rolled my hips and ground against him before sliding off.

“I’m bored. Get out.” I huffed.