“Thank…” he started to meekly whisper, only to clap his hand over his mouth and scurry to the back of his bunk.
“What the f…” Keif started, then drifted down to search for the kid. He swerved back as a tiny hand swatted for him.
“No!” the boy cried, striking out again.
“He thinks you’re going to take his tongue now that you know he has one,” Messiah offered.
I grabbed the rail and dropped down where Keif had been. The boy shot his hand out again, but this time, I snatched onto him. I hauled him into a hug and half climbed onto the shelf with him. I held on for dear life while the child flung himself about and flailed in my arms. Keif cursed and tried unsuccessfully to fit in with me while the boy pummeled my shoulders.
“No one will take your tongue. I am the Excellence of Rochambeau…” Each word came clipped and on a rugged breath while we continued to struggle. “No one will harm you; I forbid it. I’m the Queen of the Fallen Gods.”
The last title instantly stilled the child. Great. Now he probably thought I was personally going to mutilate him. Was it not the Iron Inlet and the King of the Fallen Gods who sanctioned such treatment of slaves?
“My mother told me of you. She said you were the most graceful and fearless of women. She said you stood up to the King! She said….” His words trickled off and tears spilled down his dirty cheeks.
It broke my heart. I stroked his long blond hair while he sobbed in my arms.
“Tell me of her,” I encouraged over the shifting of his head.
“There is no point. She is gone forever now.” The sorrow in a voice so young sickened me. All I could think of were the women being tossed over the side of the Dark Jewel.
“What was her name?” Keif asked. “People are never gone as long as we keep their memory alive. Someday you will tell your children of her and she will live on through them. Ancestors are important.”
His breath came in ragged little gasps, and he closed his eyes against the tears. “She was the most beautiful woman in the Iron Inlet.” He sighed. “She had so much love for everyone.”
We sat in silence a moment with me strumming my hands over his back before he offered in afterthought, “She was the only slave with permission to keep her tongue. She hid me… it’s the only reason I have mine.”
I nodded and slowly smiled before everything in me froze.
“Nora… Your mother is Nora.” I scarcely got the words out before he was twisting to look at me.
“You know her? You really did stand up for my mother in the Great Hall?” His eyes glistened with tears and awe while my heart dropped to my stomach.
I’m fucking holding my stepson…
“One of Lazarus’...” Messiah began on a laugh.
“Wards,” I hurriedly interjected before he could expose the boy as a bastard. “He is the son of Nora and ward of the Queen.”
We had a brief stare down before Messiah wagged his brows and turned for the stairs. “Get your ward’s name and details, and I’ll have him added to the House Krypt records.”
“Indeed,” I called over my shoulder without taking my eyes off Lazarus’ son. “Tell him your name child, go on.”
“Fisher. My name is Fisher, if it pleases you, Ma’am.”
Messiah stopped halfway up the stairs and looked back down at us. “You’re the ward of nobility now, royalty even. Your name is your honor, not something strangers approve or deny. That slave nonsense is behind you now.” As if to soften his words, the sides of his mouth hinted toward a smile. “Welcome to House Krypt, Fish.”
Fisher flashed a grin that didn’t make it to a smile. “My name is Fisher!” he corrected.
“He’ll be alright,” Keif predicted, tousling the boy’s hair.