I brought myself to release, my hand working my shaft hard until I spilled hot cum all over my fist. I groaned at the sight of it, imagining my little princess at my feet, desperately drinking me down like she should have been doing.

Grinning to myself like a fool, I made a decision, just like I always did in my business. And once I had my mind set on something, I did everything in my power to make it happen.

At the moment, there was only one thing on my to-do list…

Ella Monroe’s sweet little pussy.I RAN ALL THE WAY home, my legs barely able to carry me with the speed I was going at.

My heart was beating frantically, and I was shivering from the cold outside. In my rush to get away, I’d left my jacket at the house, and the early winter air of the afternoon was cutting straight to my bones. I felt the winter chill in every cell of my body, but it still didn’t make me feel any less hot. The kiss we’d shared, the crazy sparks that flew between us, were enough to warm the pit of my tummy.

I reached the house and slammed the front door behind me. Right away, a feeling of dread filled me. If Martha heard me running around like that, there’d be hell to pay.

But the little cottage was silent, the calmness of it telling me my stepmother wasn’t home. Maybe she’d gone into the city to pick something up—either way, I was all alone and grateful for it.

I collapsed on the other side of the door, my back sliding down the wood and my lips parting to let out a big sigh.

I couldn’t believe what I’d just let myself do. What I’d let him do…

My first kiss.

The one I’d been saving for so, so long, and now it was all gone, taken by a stranger while I let myself fall apart in his arms, just for him. How could I do it? How could I let him have the special moment I’d been saving my whole life? How could I have been so careless?

The answer was right in front of me, but I didn’t want to see it.

What Rafael did to me, the way he made me feel… My body like putty in his arms, my mind telling me to do anything he told me, just so I could please him. It was like all I wanted was to follow his orders, to do what he said, to submit to him completely. And the butterflies he’d given me were still fluttering in my stomach, beating their wings and promising something magical, something I’d never had before.

I groaned to myself and picked myself up. I was smoothing down my shirt when I heard a knock on the door, and my whole body froze in anticipation.

Surely it wasn’t him? He wouldn’t come around so soon, would he?

My stomach doubled over with anxiety and hope, and I tucked my hair behind my ears before opening the front door wide.

“Hello, dear.”

Now, my tummy dropped with relief and sadness, and I smiled at Edna standing in front of me, fidgeting with her hands in fluffy mittens.

“Hello!” I said happily, stepping aside. “Come in, you must be freezing out there.”

“The wicked stepmother isn’t home then?” she giggled, and I smiled at her.

“Gone out to the city, I think,” I told her, and we exchanged a warm hug as she walked inside, bringing in the scent of firewood and a promise of snow. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I just wanted to bring you some carrot cake.” She gave me a sneaky little smile, bringing out a wicker basket from her cape and walking over to the kitchen.

I followed closely behind and helped her unload what she’d brought over for me.

“This isn’t just carrot cake, Edna,” I giggled. “You’ve brought way too much!”

“Nonsense,” she said with a grin. “I know that stepmother of yours doesn’t feed you enough. You’re all skin and bones.”

“Not really,” I grimaced. “My butt’s enormous, and I need a new bra… again.”

“Well, nothing wrong with that,” she winked at me, and I giggled. “Here, put this cheese in the fridge while I make us a cup of tea. We’ll start a fire and talk, how about that? If Martha’s gone to the city, she shouldn’t be back at least for a few more hours.”

I put everything away while she put the kettle on, and before long, we both had a steaming cup of Breakfast Tea in front of us. I put on the fire and covered Edna’s legs with a thick knitted blanket, and she relaxed in the armchair in front of the fire. By the time I was done, I had soot all over my hands, but I didn’t mind. I loved these stolen moments. Edna was like the grandmother I’d never had.