My body ached with the need to feel her against me as she blinked, swallowing so hard I saw it in her throat. It turned me on so much I had to fight the urge to palm my cock through my pants. But I resisted and instead kept looking at her, keeping my gaze firm, even though my hands were fisted, the pain of not grabbing her almost palpable in the air between us.

“That’s a good girl,” I grinned at her, and her bottom lip jutted out in what looked like a mix of annoyance and need. It made me chuckle.

“Why did you want me to stay behind?” she asked.

I was mesmerized by her. Everything that made her the perfect little vixen stood in front of me, from that naturally blonde hair that reached her ass, to the round curve of her tits and her tiny waist. Addicting, she was fucking addicting, and I wasn’t going to last a long time with her flaunting herself in front of me like this.

“Because I wanted to do this,” I muttered, then raised my hand and untangled my fingers from the fist they were forced into.

I wrapped my hand around her hair, letting the silky light strands fall through my fingers, mesmerized by the sensation of feeling her, finally knowing what that hair felt like when it touched my fingertips. I rubbed it between my fingers and brought my hand back, lifting it to my nose and smelling her.

“Fucking delicious,” I told her roughly, and she shivered under my heavy gaze. “You smell perfect, little Ella.”

“What are you going to do to me?” The question slipped from her lips before she could stop herself, and she blushed deeply, averting her gaze.

“What do you want me to do to you?” I asked her, but she wouldn’t meet my eyes.

The real answer was, I wanted all of her, from her little toes to the pretty hair on her head. And I was going to have her, too, even if my little princess didn’t know it just yet. But I was going to make her submit, fall on her knees and pledge anything and everything to me and me only. I couldn’t wait for the moment she broke for me when I put a pretty collar on her perfect throat and made her mine forever.

“I want to kiss you, little princess,” I told her in a rough groan, and she blushed even deeper. “Will you let me kiss you, princess? Will you let me have what we both know is mine already?”

She looked up, finally letting her beautiful eyes connect with mine. I could see the fear in her gaze, coloring her eyes and making them so much darker than they were before. She was truly beautiful, not like the models I usually took with me to events, but in a soul-crushing, heart-wrenching way that felt like she’d taken hold of my heart in her fist and squeezed hard.

She looked away again, and then gave me the smallest of nods, barely moving her head. If I’d blinked, I would have missed it. But it was definitely there.

I took a step closer and she breathed in deeply as I took her chin in my hands, making her look at me once again. Her eyes connected with mine and I stared at them, her beautiful sparkling irises reminding me of the deepest midnight blue sky.

“Ask me to kiss you,” I told her gently, and she shivered under my touch. “Do it, princess, I want to hear you say it…”

“Kiss me,” she whispered. “Please, Mr. Goldwyn. Kiss me.”

I lowered my mouth to hers, forgetting about all the formalities between us and focusing solely on the kiss I’d wanted to steal from her since the first moment I’d laid eyes on her. She let out a little whimper, the softest of sounds that made all the blood rush to my cock, pumping it so hard it was fucking painful. I kissed her.

Her plump little mouth molded against mine, opening eagerly when I forced it, letting me slip my tongue inside. I kissed her deeply, because I could find no mercy for this girl. I needed to give her everything she deserved, every single broken piece of me so she could taste it and know exactly how much I wanted her, how much I needed her.

She responded like a good little girl, kissing me eagerly but shyly. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and she mewled at the sensation, sucking on my tongue, her body responding so desperately to my own. She was delicious. Spun sugar and hard candy melting in my mouth when she kissed me. I couldn’t get enough of it, of her.

“You’re mine,” I muttered against her mouth. “You’re mine, princess Ella.”

“Yes,” she whispered needily. “Please, I need to be yours.”