“Since I replaced it.”

“The entire time I’ve been gone.”


Moments of irate silence pass, her breathing so loud, it comes through the door.

“You are unbelievable! She is entitled to her privacy!”

“I only read her messages with you.”


There’s a heavy pause, and I’m certain she’s thinking over how best to scream at me.

“What is your middle name?” she barks, as if the question is an accusation.



“I’m coming in,” I grunt.


More rustling and angry stomping ensues as she paces around the room. I retrieve the metal pick I left on top of the door frame for just this circumstance.

Metal scrapes as I pop the lock, and then the left door swings outward into the hall. The right door swings with it, and I have to dodge the couch she shoved under the handle. She didn’t realize that the door opens out and not in, even though she’s been through it twice.

It’s concerning that she’s so thrown off.

When I examine her, the disheveled ponytail and rumpled clothes are a contrast for my methodical mate. Annie doesn’t like being uncouth. Even on the run, she was studious in her appearance.

I rush over to her, hoping to wrap her in my arms to comfort her.

And myself.

This has been so much more trying than I thought.

But before I can reach her, she steps away with hands out.

“I am leaving,” she informs me.

“You cannot run from me again.”

“I’ll do whatever the fuck I please.”

“You’re scaring the staff.”

“They’re used to much worse from you.”

I grimace at her, but before I can respond, the front doors downstairs loudly burst open.

“WHERE IS MY BEST FRIEND?” Violet hollers.

Fucking damn it, she came.

Annie snatches her purse from the bed, circles around me, and dashes for the door.