Plus, I cloned her best friend’s phone, and who else would she message?
I already updated Violet on Annie’s whereabouts this morning, and Vi hasn’t stormed my house yet, so I’m willing to wager she’s more on my side at this point than Annie’s.
When I reach our bedroom door, she’s still audibly scrambling around in the other room. There’s a thump on the floor, and she curses. I have this image of her falling on her thoroughly bitable ass while changing.
My rap on the door with my knuckles is light. I can’t do this angry. She’ll sense it.
“Are you going to let me into my own room, or do I need to break down my door?” I ask. I keep my tone metered, but fail at preventing exhaustion from seeping through.
“Why am I here?” she asks.
“This is where we live.”
“This is whereyoulive.”
“You live where I do. We can try living at your apartment, but my new condo in the city is eight times the size and much better appointed.”
She sucks in several breaths and seems to calm.
Myheart races while I wait for her to react.
On the other side of the wood, something is yanked from a plug, and then a cascade of pings surge through. She curses, softly this time, and I check the mirroring app for Violet’s phone.
As I open it, an alert notifies me that Annie’s GPS has pinged here at the house.
My mate is smart, but naive.
“Now that you’ve messaged Vi, will you let me in?” I ask.
“How do you know that?” she shrieks, the wood muffling the volume.
“First of all, I can hear the message alerts, and there’s only one person you’d be talking to.”
“I could have a backup plan.”
“You don’t. Violet already knows you’re here. If you’re hoping she’ll sweep you away, you’ll be waiting a while.”
“You don’t know my best friend.”
I harrumph at that. Violet and I have become quite acquainted through my daily updates.
“And the second?” she asks.
“I cloned her phone,” I admit.
Her brain audibly ticks over that fun little factoid. Blood vessels must be imploding in her brain. I need to get into the room before she spirals again. She’s being much calmer than I expected, but this could easily set her off.
Granted, restraining her would probably be counterproductive.
I want to convince her she’s safe with me.
I’ve come a long way the last few weeks too.
I’d do anything to keep her happy.
If my mate needs some space, I can swallow the agony and allow it.
“And exactly how long has this been happening?” she prods.