Yes, I feel a pull to him, but it’s more like an arrow and not like a target.

Arrows can miss, but this one hasn’t.

“I don’t want to reject it,” I whisper.

His arms tighten on me, and he kisses the top of my head.

“Then tell me what you need.”

“No more meddling in my career.”

“I wasn’t—”

“I didn’t ask for commentary. No more meddling.”

I can feel his smile as he kisses my forehead.

“Yes, mate.”

The wordmateskitters down my spine, but for the first time, it’s because I like it.

“And I’m keeping my apartment.”

“You’ll stay with me every night,” he says. There’s a bit of petulance in the tone, but I decide to compromise on this.

“I’ll stay with you as an assumption, but there might be times I need space.”

“I don’t like it.”

“You still have the nanny cam?”

He pauses long enough that I know the answer, but I want him to admit it anyway.

“Yes,” he finally responds.


“Then you know where I am when that happens once in a blue moon.”

He grumbles something under his breath that I take as acquiescence.

“And delete the mirror of Vi’s phone.”


“Do it now, or I’m making you give her the same access.”

“I have privileged information on my phone. I own voting shares in 18 percent of the fortune 500.”

“And my mate views himself as my equal.”

“Call me your mate again, and I’ll let you delete it for me.”

I hold out my hand. “My mate trusts me and doesn’t need to spy through my best friend.”

His calculating gaze dissolves into this satisfied smile that feels as warm as a summer’s afternoon.

He keys in a few commands and holds the screen up so I can see him hit the “DELETE” option.