I spin around to face the room, turning my back on the gold painting.
Perry O’Connell, my father’s long-time attorney, sits on the large, leather sofa situated in the middle of the study. The one none of us wanted to claim when we entered the room.
Jude and Micah are seated in chairs opposite the sofa. I walk over and stand between them, clutching onto my glass as if it’s giving me the will to stay and listen to what Perry has to say.
Sienna remains near the window.
Perry half turns, looking at her over his shoulder. “Thank you for coming,” he tells her. “I know it’s strange for you to be here when this is a family matter, but you’re mentioned in the will.”
Sienna’s eyebrows shoot up. Shock settles in her eyes as they dart between my brothers and me. None of us answer her silent question, all of us shocked to hear she’s in the will as well.
“Now,” Perry addresses the three of us, “I’m sorry we had to meet on a heavy day such as this one.”
Jude scoffs, and I snap my head to the left, pinning him with a hard stare.
He shrugs and a small smile spreads across his mouth.
Resting in Perry’s lap is a large, leather-bound folder. He cracks it open, the material stiff as though it’s never been opened before.
My eyes fall to the first page.
In large bold letters at the top, I read:
“Before we get too deep into this, I’m going to begin with Sienna,” Perry starts.
Sienna moves through the room and stands behind me. She keeps her distance, but she’s close enough to join us. Her body tenses while she holds her breath.
Perry flips three pages, then looks up. He slides a piece of paper from the pocket of the leather-bound book and holds it out for Sienna. “This is in James’s words. I’ve been instructed to read it as it is written.” His eyes shift nervously between Sienna and me before looking down at his lap. “To my assistant, Sienna Thompson. Your employment at Harding Holdings is to be terminated the moment this statement is read to you. I’ve instructed my lawyer to give you a severance pay for your years of dedicated service to my company. Since I am gone, your services are no longer needed.”
Silence descends upon the room. Well, aside from Micah muttering, “What the fuck?” under his breath.
Jude blows out a heavy breath. I watch Sienna’s shaking hand grab the check from Perry’s hand. A single tear spills over her eye. Then another one. She immediately looks at me. Immense sadness and pain fills her gaze. More than it has all day.
This is it. This is the moment where my father finally breaks her. After what feels like several agonizing minutes, but is probably only seconds, Sienna inhales a sharp gasp. She quickly covers her mouth and wraps her arm around her stomach as she spins, then without another word, races out of the room, her cries filtering through her covered mouth on her way out.
We all remain silent until we can no longer hear the clicking of her heels.
“What the fuck was that?” Jude asks, stunned. He runs his fingers through his hair and leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees.
“I’m sorry,” Perry apologizes. “I knew the reading of your father’s will wasn’t going to be easy. He insisted I address Sienna before continuing with the rest. Honestly, I think it was for the best I let her go now. Saved her from having to sit here through the whole thing before finding out she was let go.”
I narrow my eyes in disbelief. That’s exactly the kind of logic my father would use in life. Treat people like shit then convince yourself you did it for their benefit.
“I’m not sure what I envisioned for this meeting,” I say, “but I can’t say I’m surprised.”
“Agreed.” Jude sighs, sitting back in his chair.
“Okay, next order of business.” Perry breathes out, flipping another few pages. “Micah. You’re next.”
Micah straightens his back, sitting taller. He turns to me and Jude, giving us a small, nervous grin in anticipation.
At this rate, we’re all biting the tip of our tongues, waiting for the unexpected.
“To my youngest son, Micah Lucas Harding. I leave you all four of my properties overseas. The houses in London, Edinburgh, Paris, and Barcelona.”
Perry hands Micah a single document. He takes it and keeps his head down as he reads over the fine print.