After Abby leaves, I set the alarm and double check to be sure it’s secure. I head upstairs to take a shower, knowing Logan should be finished with the fundraiser and heading home soon.
I take my time in the shower, savoring the hot water raining against my skin. After I’m finished, I step out of the shower, anxious to check my phone and see if Logan is on his way home.
I’ve wrapped the towel around me, tucking it in at my chest. My phone is at the foot of my bed, a green light blinking at the top, meaning I have a text.
I unlock my phone and read a text from Logan telling me he’s on his way home. I sigh with relief. I toss my phone back onto the bed, walking over to my dresser to grab a pair of clean panties when my phone pings again.
Crossing back to my phone, I pick it back up, unlocking the screen to a new email. It’s from the same anonymous address I’ve seen before. My throat closes, swelling as fear injects its way through my veins. Tears line my eyes, quickly threatening to spill over. I thought the emails were done. It’s been weeks since I’ve received one. Why now?
My hand shakes as I press my thumb to open the email.
Still think your husband is the perfect man he claims to be?
Attached to the email is a file. I click on it, and immediately images of Logan and Natalie pop up.
I clamp my hand over my mouth as tears spill down my cheeks, one after another. “No.” My lips move against my hand, muffling the cries laced in my voice.
I frantically scroll through the photos. There are dozens. Logan and Natalie at the market. Logan and Natalie at work. Logan and Natalie walking together on the sidewalk. Logan and Natalie kissing.
My heart stops and my chest is hollow. I inhale a sharp breath, my throat squeezing with every last breath. I fall to my knees, dropping my phone onto the floor.
The picture of Logan and Natalie kissing is still glowing, staring me in the face. I study it, willing it to be a mistake. Maybe it was another couple who happened to look like Logan and Natalie. But when I spot Logan’s chef jacket, the silver stitching reflecting against the light, I know it’s him. Natalie’s leaning against him, pressing her lips to his. He’s kissing her back, his eyes closed.
The photo is zoomed in, a close shot detailing every piece of their kiss. I quickly scramble to my feet, the towel around me unraveling and pooling at my feet. I run back to the bathroom, feeling my stomach churn and my heart nearly explode out of my chest.
My husband was having an affair and I’ve been too busy burying my head in the sand to see it.
The fundraiser was still in full swing but by midnight, Gavin had given us the clear to start packing up.
Even as I was in the presence of some of the world’s most elite, I only thought of Lena. Lena had mentioned her boss was supposed to be here, but I had been too busy to seek her out and introduce myself. The enormous grand ballroom of the hotel was filled with politicians, entrepreneurs, and top scientists. Yet, I still only thought of Lena.
The way her skin felt like touching raging flames, searing every inch of my skin. My lips memorized the way hers felt. My hands lived in the memory of what it felt like to hold her flesh, molding against her.
I couldn’t wait to go back home and explore her body once more. Lena and I were finally in a good place. I no longer felt the shadows chasing me, following me at every turn. I decided not to tell Max about Natalie. Ever since I had finished training her, she mostly stayed out of my way. She never mentioned the kiss again, clearly taking the hint her and I were never going to happen. I loved being married to Lena and there was no way I was going to mess it up.
Lena was even happier these past few weeks. Her sense of humor had come back, reassuring me she hadn’t regretted the day we became husband and wife. She loved her new job and it showed. Her face brightened every time she saw me, even begging me not to leave for work most days. I didn’t want to leave her, but my entire career had been building up to this night. The night where Max and I catered an event for Gavin James.
The night has already ended for the service Max and I were providing. Max mostly stuck to talking to the guests, claiming it was for gaining more business contacts and opportunities. He’d allowed me to run the night, ensuring all drinks and food when out at the precise time it was supposed to. The night surprisingly went off without a hitch.
I’ve already sent my crew home when Gavin walks up to me. I’ve untied my hair, relieving the pressure of it being tied back. I tuck some of it behind my ear, hoping Gavin doesn’t find it unprofessional.
“Hey, Logan.” He’s beaming, his arms spread wide. He grasps on to my hand, shaking it ferociously. “What an exceptional night this turned out to be. The food was excellent, and your staff was great.”
“Thank you.” I nod, grinning myself. My cheeks grow sore from smiling. “I’m happy we were able to help make this night a success for you.”
“You did,” Gavin says. “We’ve already raised five million dollars and the number keeps climbing.”
I try to hide my widened eyes from Gavin, shocked to hear such a large number. Gavin was a man of many talents. Apparently, even when it came to driving up donation money.
“Anyway.” He claps me on the back. “I’ve got to get back to the party, I just wanted to say thank you. We’ll be in touch in the future.”
“Sounds great.”
Gavin disappears into the crowd and I turn to finish packing up the rest of the supplies. Max catches up to me as I’m loading the last bit into the company van. One of our servers was supposed to drive it back to the restaurant.