“Here,” he says. His voice is low and heavy, hitting me straight in the chest. He gently moves my hand to the side, positioning the next nail.
“Thanks. What about you?” Logan turns to me, his eyebrows knitting in confusion.
“The fundraiser,” I continue. “Didn’t you say this one will be bigger than the last? Are you nervous?”
Logan shrugs. “A little, but I think after Max and I plan it out this week, it won’t be as daunting. I’m kind of excited, actually. The restaurant will get even more exposure. I can’t wait to see what this does for Bistro.”
I straighten my back, pressing my knees into the still-wet grass. Water seeps into my jeans. Logan just confirmed why I won’t tell him about the emails I’ve been receiving or the day the alarm was used.
Telling Logan now would destroy his dreams. A piece of my heart fractures, unwilling to allow myself to strip him of them.
“How was the last night training Natalie?” I pinch the tip of my tongue between my teeth. Why on earth did I bring her up?
Logan stops hammering, and stands, immediately turning around to grab another board. He sets it down beside the one we’d just secured. He shifts it, lining it up perfectly.
“It was fine.” He shrugs one shoulder and continues his process of nailing the wood down. “She’s ready to close on her own.” He hasn’t met my gaze, keeping his focus on his work.
“That’s good.” I nod, already standing to grab the next board.
“You know, I was thinking.”
“What?” I ask him, as I lay down the next few boards, hoping it will speed up the process now that we have a good rhythm and plan going.
Logan looks up from his work, smirking. “I was thinking maybe we could check out that gum wall Max told us about. The one below the market.”
I scrunch my face, shaking my head. “Ew, Logan. Really?” I laugh, the feeling rising in my throat.
Logan grins, obviously amused. “Come on, it’ll be fun.” I pull myself to a stand as he crosses the frame, standing in front of me. His gaze moves to my lips then to my eyes. “We can add our own pieces.”
“I don’t know. It’s literally an alleyway covered in old gum.”
“That’s the best part.” He grins.
I tilt my head, considering it. As with everything else, it feels like ages since Logan and I have done something fun together. The last time we did was when we moved here, driving all the way across the country.
He raises his hand, brushing his fingertips across my cheek, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “What do you think?”
“I think Abby was supposed to come over later.” I’d nearly forgotten that Abby had texted me when I was getting dressed, asking if we could go hang out. I had yet to respond to her, unsure of where Logan and I stood. But Logan didn’t know that I hadn’t told Abby yes yet. I keep that part to myself.
“Ask her to reschedule. I think it’ll be good for us to get out of the house.” I agree with Logan. We needed a change of pace and I needed this time with him. Time to sift through the mess of thoughts floating inside my brain. Oddly enough, today was turning out to be one of the better days I’ve had lately.
Despite my worry about Logan having an affair, I find myself still caught up in his spell. I still love Logan and can’t deny myself the time to spend with him. We need this day to just be ourselves.
I grin, feeling the corners of my cheek grow sore. “Okay.”
“Good.” Logan beams. “Let’s finish up here then change before we head out.”
Two hours later, Logan and I are able to finish off the floor and put up two of the four walls. He had yet to get sheetrock for the walls, but the framing was in place, taking the shape of what would be our new shed. I didn’t know what we would use it for. Considering I’d taken the new job in Tacoma and had my own office space there, I’d thought of possibly using it as a second office.
After Logan and I both shower, I stand in my closet, deciding what to wear. I’m only wearing my bra and underwear, sifting through my outfits one by one. The sun was now covered in clouds, shielding the sun from being able to keep up the warm temperatures from earlier. I knew I wouldn’t be able to wear the shorts and T-shirt I’d planned on wearing. Instead, I needed something to ward off the cool breeze I’m sure was going to come near the water’s edge.
Logan walks into the closet, standing in the doorframe. He leans against it, already fully dressed. I swallow at the sight of him. He’s wearing a white T-shirt under his dark blue plaid shirt. His sleeves are rolled up, displaying his sculpted arms. He’s too handsome for his own good.
“I’m not sure a bra and lace panties are appropriate for visiting the gum wall.” His eyes scan me from head to toe, the corner of his mouth curling.
I roll my eyes followed by a smile. “You’re funny.” I turn back to my clothes. “I was trying to find something warm to wear.”
“Didn’t you have a maroon colored sweater or something?” Logan stands from the doorframe and walks farther into the closet, unraveling his crossed arms. “I mean, you look sexy in anything you wear, but that sweater...” He’s standing behind me now, his hot breath dancing across the back of my bare neck. Chills prickle down my spine and the heat swells between my legs. I press them together, standing on my toes.