Page 26 of Mine

He leans back, surprised by my answer. “Okay.”

I feel the guilt build up in me once again. But I also can’t look at Logan, knowing I haven’t told him about the email or that I’m wishing he’d tell me more about Natalie. I wasn’t sure if I was making it more than it was. But after my relationship with Julian, I was finding it hard to trust anyone in my life. Including my own husband.

“Abby shouldn’t have told that story.”

I sigh, wanting this night to be over. “I don’t—” I surprise myself by choking on my words. I don’t want to get into this right now, discussing this with Logan in the hallway of his restaurant. Shaking my head, I clear my throat. “Can we just go home?”

“Yeah.” Logan removes his hands from his pockets and sighs. “I think that’s probably a good idea. Come on, let’s go tell them we’re heading out.”

He tips his head in the direction of the dining room, offering for me to go first. The only comfort I get is Logan’s hand resting on my lower back the entire walk back to our table.

When we finally do get back, Max and Abby are standing, their plates already cleared from the table.

“I’m sorry, but I think Logan and I are going to head out,” I offer an apology, hoping I didn’t make this whole night awkward.

“That’s okay.” Abby smiles. “Max and I were just about to leave too.”

“Really?” I trade glances between the both of them.

“Yeah,” Max says. “I figured I’d take her down to Kerry Park. There’s an incredible view of the skyline from there.”

“Nice,” Logan says. His hand is still resting on my back. It’s heavy and weighted. An anchor keeping me from drifting too far away.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Max says, patting Logan on the back. “Get ready for an entire week of closing.”

“I will,” Logan answers.

Abby gives me a hug, clearly unfazed that her retelling of our drunken night in college had upset me. I don’t bring it up, knowing I can talk to her about it when we meet up tomorrow.

As Max and Abby head toward the front door of the restaurant, I turn to Logan. “You’re closing all week?”

“Oh, yeah.” Logan nods. “Max needs me to close all week with Natalie.”

“With Natalie?” I bite the inside of my cheek, reminding myself to be rational. I knew Logan was training Natalie. Why would this be any different?

“Yeah, Max wants me to make sure Natalie feels comfortable before we have our meetings with Gavin James next week.” The muscles of his jaw tense, and I can tell he’s confused by my line of questioning.

“That makes sense.” I nod. The words in the email I received the other day flicker in my mind like an old movie reel. This whole night has been fucked-up to say the least. I’m not trusting of my own reactions. I can tell I’m pushing Logan away, inch by inch. Every word has only pushed him farther. It’s a runaway train I can’t seem to stop.

I breathe in a heavy breath, grabbing my purse off the back of the chair. “Are you ready to go home?”


We ride the whole way in silence. When we’re finally back home, I have Logan help unzip the back of my dress in the bathroom. His hand moves slow and cautious, like he’s savoring this moment between us, bottling it up. I can tell he’s taking his time, using patience as his breath ghosts the skin of my neck. The silence between us starts to swell, filling every surface and corner of our house. It’s partially comforting, partially suffocating.

His hand stops when he’s made it to the bottom of the zipper. My back is exposed and I glance over my shoulder, looking at him. He keeps his hand resting on my lower back. His eyes slowly find mine. I open my mouth, ready to tell him I’m sorry for making the rest of the night awkward. I try but the words never come out.

I can sense Logan is tired and feeling helpless. His shoulders fall and his hand slips away. “You’re all set,” he says.

“Thank you.” It’s the only words I manage to say, hoping he feels the weight of them. I feel like I’m submerged underwater, a heavy weight tied around my ankle, preventing me from swimming to the surface.

Logan backs away and heads to our bedroom. When I come out of the bathroom, he’s already buried under the sheets. He’s facing the wall, his back to me. I crawl in the bed, trying not to make too much noise as I shift to get comfortable.

I turn on my side, facing the opposite way from Logan when my phone chimes from my nightstand. I pick it up, finding a text from Abby and an email notification.

My heart races and I sit up in the bed. I glance over my shoulder, making sure Logan is still asleep. His hushed breaths are steady and calm. He’s fast asleep.

I open the text from Abby first.