Page 12 of Mine

“Wow, that’s amazing, Abby. I’m so happy you were able to start up your own business.” I genuinely mean what I say. I know Abby hasn’t always had it easy. I may not know the reason why she changed her last name or what happened in West Hollywood, but I do know Abby was destined for bigger and better things. I tilt my head to the side, still wondering how she ended up finding me. “How did you end up in Seattle if you were living near Los Angeles?”

“That’s the best part.” She beams. “I was researching one day on how to start my own accounting business and saw Seattle had a major financial district. When I dug a little deeper on how to build my brand, your name showed up.” Abby straightens her back and squares her shoulders.

“Really?” I’m honestly surprised to hear how my name had popped up on the internet. That means my design business was gaining traction with potential new clients.

I ignore the twinge of doubt gnawing in the back of my mind. If Abby was able to find me through a little digging, there was a chance Julian could do the same. Maybe he’d already found me, just as Abby had. I try not to bask in the what ifs for too long. I’d already started this reunion off with too many questions and I didn’t want Abby to think I wasn’t thrilled to see her. Because I truly am.

Abby was the friend I valued in my life. If this past year wasn’t proof of that already, I would know it now.

I’d had to let her go. Even after us being separated by thousands of miles, she’d found me. It must be fate.

Abby’s eyes fall to my hand, focusing on the ring wrapped around my fourth finger. “You’re married?”

I follow her gaze, instinctively lifting it up. The small diamond sparkles against the setting sun’s rays filtering through the tall glass windows. I twirl the ring around my finger before placing my hand back around my cup. “I am.” I give Abby a warm smile. “Logan and I got married last year.”

“You did?” Abby blows out a heavy breath. Her cheeks expand before contracting as her back lands against her seat with a heavy thud. “Congratulations. Sorry I missed it.”

“I wish you were there. A lot of circumstances led to why I had to leave. Neither of us really planned it. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing.”

“Right.” Abby slowly nods, chewing on the inside of her cheek. She’s clearly digesting my words. Her eyes swirl, her violet irises appearing as if they’re coated in glass.

The sadness between us expands. Abby missed me getting married. She couldn’t stand beside me on my biggest day and I can tell we’re both saddened by that fact.

Abby sighs as she searches my face. She clears her throat then sits back up, turning her attention to the binder opened in front of her. “Okay, so I wasn’t sure what you wanted to see to get a better idea of the business I’ve started to build. I have a few papers here with the outline of my business plan.”

I don’t move, staring at Abby as she flips through the pages of her binder. Her voice is swallowed up by the noises surrounding us. I try to think of a way I could have done things differently. Through the past year, I’d find myself searching for the rewind button on my life. I wish I could go back to the moment Logan and I decided we were going to leave Providence behind us.

I’d packed my entire life up and dragged Abby through the mud, only to end up losing her in the end. She was my best friend, standing beside me at my darkest moments. Before Julian and after. She deserved more than what I’d given her in return.

I turn my attention to the binder Abby’s laid out. She sifts through the papers rapidly, not lingering on them too long before showing me the next one. To be honest, I don’t understand any of it. We spend the next twenty minutes pouring over her vision for her business and where she wants to take it in the future.

When she’s finished, she stuffs the last of the papers back into her binder then folds her arms on top of it, leaning forward.

“So, what do you think?”

“Honestly? I’m really happy for you but I don’t understand any of it.” I laugh. “But I can still come up with a great design for your brand.” I tap the keyboard on my laptop, waking it up. The screen turns on, already open to my software. I type in the name of Abby’s company and save it as a new file. “Since you’re wanting to build your business in competition with the corporate world, I’m thinking we should go with a simple design. Streamlined, modern, and clean. Possibly using your initials, AC.”

“I trust your judgment, Lena. Whatever you think works.”

I sigh. “I just want to make sure I give you the best image possible.”

“I know you will.” She smiles. “That’s why I hired you.”

“Well, thank you for trusting me enough with this. I’ll get started on it and should have a mock-up for you by the end of the week.” I type in a few notes to remember the ideas I have floating around in my head.

“Why don’t we grab some dinner?” Abby asks. She’s grinning wide, the whites of her teeth standing out against her dark painted lips. “We can catch each other up on everything.”

I look up from my laptop. “That sounds great. I’m sure Logan would be thrilled to see you.”

Abby spins her coffee cup around with her fingertips, never allowing the bottom to lift off the table. The paper glides against the polished wood. “Okay.” Her hand stops. “Where would you want to eat?”

I zip my laptop bag closed before strapping it over my shoulder. “Why don’t you come over to our house for dinner? Logan’s an executive chef over at Bistro 59. He can whip up a mean truffle fettucine.”

Abby narrows her eyes, her perfectly manicured eyebrows knitting between her bright violet eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” I nod. “I want to spend more time with you. It’ll be better to tell you what happened when we aren’t surrounded by a bunch of strangers. I hate what happened and how I had to leave Providence so quickly. Let me start making it up to you with dinner. How about Friday?”

“Okay.” She offers me a small smile.