Without turning his back to Kaschel, Levisus sat on the couch beside me. He tilted his head and skimmed me up and down.

Levisus’s face stirred with sinfulness and chaos. My body went stiff, but for some reason, I couldn’t turn away from his enthusiastic stare.

Levisus grinned, lifted a finger, and poked my shirt right below my collarbone. “Sounds fun.I’m in.”

Gooseflesh raised on the back of my neck. Not wanting to indulge him, I kept my mouth shut.

I looked down and squinted at the wordsLife’s too short, so let’s fuckand sighed. I mean,what was I thinking when I put it on? This godforsaken shirt might be the death of me.

It was settled.I was burning my whole collection of T-shirts once I returned home.

Levisus studied my face, and his thunderous laughter echoed throughout the room.

He wiped a tear from his cheek and took a deep breath and patted my back so hard, he almost launched me off the couch. “No need to worry. I don’t take what isn’t mine.” He laughed again, leaned farther into the cushion, and lifted his head back to look at Kaschel. “You must have found one. Oh, my ... and it only took a couple of decades.”

Kaschel didn’t respond for hours, or it felt like hours, as I sat there trying to breathe as shallowly as possible so the only noise in the room wouldn’t be my heavy breathing that resembled a rabid goblin.

Yeah, him calling me that still ticked me off.

Kaschel got up, strolled over to the table, and poured himself another glass. “I’m surprised your silver tongue hasn’t been cut out yet.”

Levisus eyed me as he purred, “The ladies seem to love it.”

I shuddered and Levisus’s smirk widened as his gaze wandered back to Kaschel.

Kaschel gradually stepped further away from us as he spoke with an authoritative voice that shook the floor. “You’re here ... so, I assume, you still want your brother saved from the Scáths?”

Resentment radiated in Levisus’s eyes as he shot up and stalked over to Kaschel, who now leaned against the bedside, not bothering to budge a muscle as he brazenly sipped on his wine.

“What makes you think I’ll help the one who put him there?” Levisus growled as he slammed his hands against the side of the bed.

Kaschel raised his sight from the chalice. “You’re here, are you not? Or are you here for something as foolish as revenge?” The side of Kaschel’s mouth moved into a thin smile like the mere thought amused him; Kaschel openly mocked Levisus now. “I thought you were more clever than this. We both know the council made that decision.”

Levisus scoffed as he picked up his arms and crossed them against his chest. “And you stood there and didnothing. I’d rather ask Samuel than your pathetic ass.” His glare intensified with such hostility I swore a fight would soon break out.

Kaschel’s face darkened as Levisus loomed over him. “I’m afraid it’s impossible. Were you banished alongside me?” Kaschel waved his hand dismissively. “It’s such old news. At least yours is still alive ... Well, somewhat.”

Levisus turned away, his expression unreadable as he lowered his chin, contemplating the possibilities before he peered back at Kaschel. “Swear it.”

Kaschel leaned forward with a vicious glint draping over his face. “You’re going to have to be a little more specific and come now ... Where’s your sincerity?”

The fury emanated off Levisus in waves—the ground rumbling beneath us as he clenched his hands into fists. “Will you free Daene, safely.Please,” he bit down the last part, his neck muscles straining as he kept his jaw clenched.

Kaschel launched his head back and chuckled. It was deep and every bit as antagonizing as he meant for it to be. It made me realize again how cruel his nature was and how easily hecould change in the snap of a finger. He was the embodiment of depravity and mischief; a wicked, immoral fae.

Kaschel took great pleasure in watching Levisus beg, unmistakably so.

If this was how the fae behaved to each other ... then the sooner I got the second key, the better.

I stole a glimpse at Kaschel and saw him wave his hand again. “Fine. Daene was my favorite twin anyway.”

Kaschel turned this whole conversation to work in his favor, and it sent more shivers down my body as Levisus fiercely held his tongue.

The room stood silent as both men didn’t take their eyes off each other. I had the urge to speak up. I needed to see where Gren disappeared to, and I needed a plan, fast. I didn’t have time for their petty catfight to continue.

I rested my hand on my cheek and clicked my tongue, which forced both of their attention onto me. “If you guys are going to strip each other’s clothes off, please allow me to leave the room first. No matter how hot it may be, I’m a little traumatized from the last time two people did that.”

Both men stood there gaping at me, too shocked at my words to respond, but I didn’t care. Their prolonged pissing contest needed to end.