I stood up and began walking.
Then jogging.
My legs pushed me forward, blending the forest into a blur of deep green and umber as my feet left a wake of dust behind me.
I captured glimpses of Gren flapping his wings furiously as he kept up with my speed.
He held his beak open, but I only caught every other word. “It’s ... trap ... come ... your!”
A deep sense of dread cemented itself in my chest, and anguish hit me harder. The pain relentlessly corrupted my concentration.
I pursued the loudest voice with everything I had.
Two blurred bodies manifested in the distance and grew more vivid with each step.
Lucien, on his knees, mouth gagged with a shadow-like substance—entirely different from Kaschel’s—wrapped around his body like a rope. His glistening face reflected dread and suffering. Valeria stood above him, grinning.
A rush of fury hit me. Raw emotions clawed their way to the surface, fighting for their spot alongside my rage.
Terrified andhelpless.
Valeria’s jaw broke apart into a hideous smile as it stretched to an unnatural length.
“Is this convincing enough?” Valeria mused as she pointed to Lucien. “Or should I demonstrate it for you?” Valeria’s eyes flickered a pitch-black as she belted out a cackle.
I stumbled back.
My heart thundered against my chest; my hands clenched into tight fists. “What do you need? I don’t have the grimoire,” I gritted through my teeth.
My eyes focused on Lucien like if I turned away he would disappear forever. But I couldn’t open my mouth to console him. I couldn’t think of a single fucking word to say to him.
Lucien didn’t deserve silence, but my voice and mind were failing me.
“Oh, sweetie. I won’t stop hassling you, but my boss is growing quite impatient, so here I am for the keys.”
Fools Be Damned
All the pain from earlier vanished, but now tremors of panic penetrated my mind, spinning a thousand disturbing scenarios. Not a single one offered a way out for both Lucien and me.
“Well, your boss will be disappointed because I only have one.” I squeezed my fists, my nails pinching into my palms.
The sharp pain kept me grounded so I didn’t fall apart and beg for our lives.
Somehow, I knew it wouldn’t do me any good.
“Tsk-tsk. You’re no fun at all.” Valeria grabbed a fistful of Lucien’s golden locks and pulled him up to his knees. A muffled groan escaped his lips as he staggered to his feet. She grabbed his cheeks, squeezed them tight, and turned his face to hers. “I can see why you’re so enamored with him. He’s such a cutie, isn’t he?”
Valeria compelled Lucien to nod his head at her remark, and his look of terror made me sick as her elongated jaw moved. Ittwisted and curled with bone spurs protruding out of her tight skin. She was a nightmare coming to life before my eyes.
“Valeria, your problem is with me, so why don’t you let him go, and we’ll come to an agreement on our own?” I bit out each word again, not wanting to see her manhandle Lucien any longer.
Lucien didn’t deserve this, yet here he was because of me. I could have avoided his house, his help, but I didn’t.
Valeria twisted Lucien’s face, and our eyes met as Valeria’s sharp words pierced me like a double-edged sword. “Please, we’re friends now. Call me Val.” Her face curved into an ungodly smirk and put her sharp canines on display. She paused like she waited for me to respond, but I didn’t say a word and she carried on. “I’m so happy you rid me of that imbecile. Fumbling around with half his power desperate to restore it.” She laughed. “You see, men.” She shoved Lucien back onto his knees with her boot pressed to his back. “They always go headfirst without thinking, but look where that got him? Stuck playing tag with a bunch of bounty hunters. No, you need to play the long game if you want to win.”
Her black eyes sparkled with malice as she stared behind me.