He glided off the ledge and plopped to my side. My shaky breath steadied, and I exhaled, patting his feathers down. “You scared me,” I murmured.
Gren tilted his beak and glanced at the forest. “You know I would never leave you. I just felt something, but it vanished. I’m not sure if I imagined it or not.”
I stood silent. I didn’t want to deal with any more supernatural BS. I barely survived Valeria’s torment. If she desired, she could have killed me.
God, it seemed like my life was only spared by those who wanted something from me.
“I sensed a faint, dark aura from our world but it’s gone. There’s a ritual that will—”
A bloodcurdling screech resounded off the forest trees. Then, only a deafening stillness as Kaschel scooped me up and pressed me firmly against his chest.
His gaze fell on Gren. “Can you scope out the area and see how much time we have?”
Gren reluctantly nodded and disappeared into the night sky, right toward the horrifying sound. But all I could think about was ... would Gren be okay?
Kaschel glanced back at Levisus. “Is your place warded?”
Levisus scrunched his face. “What do you take me for? A halfwit? Of course it is.”
“Was that a banshee?” I asked, but I regretted my words. I sounded like an idiot. I guess in these types of situations, I was one.
I wished sometimes I kept my mouth shut.
I pushed myself away from Kaschel’s chest, but his grip only tightened. “I didn’t think they would find me so soon. I thoughtwe had more time. How careless,” Kaschel snarled under his breath.
Gren reappeared, and he looked frightened by what he witnessed.
He croaked out, “Thirty meters away, but it’s gaining on us faster. Maybe five minutes max.”
Kaschel nodded, but kept his focus on Levisus as he said, “Lead the way.”
Crossing Boundaries
Ilonged for Kaschel to set me down, but I already knew his answer, and if I was honest with myself, no way would I outrun the creature. Admitting one’s flaws and shortcomings made it okay to stay in his arms,right?
So I pretended to wiggle my way out. But thank fuck he had a death grip on me. If he had dropped me right now, I’d probably throw away all my pride and latch onto him.
“Don’t let go,” Kaschel said, firmly.
Don’t worry, I didn’t plan to, was what I wanted to tell Kaschel but instead, I mumbled a short, shaky,whatever.
I whipped my head up and inspected his face, pinched into a scowl as his dark brows bunched together, his square jaw clenched tightly.
Was he going to run or not? I thought the creature was gaining on us. Did we really have time for him to stand here looking constipated?
I waited for Kaschel to explain further, but eerie silence enveloped us, and my heart thumped so aggressively I bet Kaschel heard each individual beat.
My eyes were parallel to Kaschel’s full lips, anticipating an explanation. When he didn’t utter another word, I studied the faint scar running down his bottom lip. It was scarcely raised with a light pink hue as it trailed down his neck and disappeared underneath his shirt.
I wondered if Kaschel got it from a battle or from the creature currently chasing after us.
“Wait. Why exact—” Levisus looked at the sky and launched himself upward, cutting my words short.
White wings expanded and contracted behind him, and I gaped in awe.
The silky feathers retained an iridescent glow. Levisus looked like a celestial being ascending back to heaven, but the deadly talons at the top revealed their true nature.
He vanished from my line of sight, flying effortlessly into the night.