I accidentally made direct eye contact with the intimidating bouncer who stood like a statue and gave him a graceless wave as I hurried past him.

Shoved awkwardly in the corner as Lynne and Lucien danced sensually, I watched from a distance as all the drunken idiotson the dance floor pushed me more into the wall. They synchronized their bodies to the thundering beats, and I wished I was one of them, forgetting all my worries. But I had an opportunity, and I wouldn’t let it slip me by. I also couldn’t rely on Raagini to resurface, and avoiding Valeria was the most logical plan.

“Oh my god! Addy!” a woman shouted over the music. She held a martini glass as she swayed to the song thumping over the speakers.

I pinched my whole face like it would magically make my vision better, but I still couldn’t recognize the voice.

The slender figure walked closer until I made out more of her features. Her black waves bounced with purpose as her floral romper exaggerated her long legs and complemented her stiletto heels.

“How have you been?” she asked, blinking innocently as her brown eyes glimmered back at mine.

Her smile exposed two gapped teeth, and it somehow made her seem more sincere.

I couldn’t help but grimace a little. Who was she? I felt like an ass, and it didn’t help remembering faces wasn’t a strength of mine.

I looked her over again, but nothing came to mind. “I’ve been good,” I lied through a masked expression. “How have you been?”

A coworker from a previous job I worked? School? Foster care? God, this might drive me nuts.

“That’s good at least. I heard what happened, and what the customer did to you. Outrageous. Tyler was wrong for firing you,” she said, shaking her head. She leaned down and brushedmy collarbone. I jerked backward. “Oh, you had some dirt on you. Sorry, force of habit.” She grinned.

I moved my hand and impulsively wiped where she touched.

Oh, Tara. The girl who went on vacation for weeks when I first started working at Cosmo’s.

I rubbed the nape of my neck, uncomfortable with the topic. “Yeah, I didn’t think I’d get immediately fired for punching a customer after he grabbed my ass, but what can you do?” Actually, I didn’t have to resort to violence but goddamn it, I had a short fuse because of Jared. And the customer calling me angel face didn’t calm my nerves one bit.

“Shitty manager. The nasty pervert deserved it.” Tara nodded as if agreeing with her own statement. “Let’s catch up! Want a drink?”

My voice came out strained. “Sure.” The song ended, and Lucien wrapped his arm around Lynne’s waist as they swayed back over to my side. “Oh, by the way, this is my friend, Lucien, and his girlfriend, Lynne.” I gestured at the two of them.

My concentration went to the bottles of liquor on the wall as they all introduced themselves and I stood silent like always. Lynne and Tara clicked and talked about some name brand I never heard of. It was fine though; it would make it easier for me to disappear without them noticing.

I turned away, hoping to drown myself in some drinks before I met the man handing out deals like he was the devil.

A firm hand gripped my shoulder, and my breathing hitched.

I spun around.

Fuck, Tara scared the shit out of me.

“Yes?” I asked, a little confused. Why did she have to give me a heart attack? She could have said something first.

“This round is on me.” She smirked as she twirled the maraschino cherry in her empty glass.

“Oh, cool.” Only two leather barstools were left, and one practically screamed my name.

“Yay.” She perked up and clapped her hands together as her nails clinked around her glass. Then she grabbed my shoulder with a surprisingly strong grip as she said, “It was nice meeting you guys, but I’ll be stealing this little cutey for the night.”

Lucien and Lynne both nodded in agreement as he gave me a thumbs-up like I needed it.

Unable to protest, Tara dragged me to the bar, plopped me down on the empty barstool, and ordered us two Reapers. I never heard of the drink, but I hoped it had a strong whiskey flavor. But I doubted it and bet it tasted as unpleasant as it sounded.

I was still going to drink it.

I drummed my fingertips on the bar and took it all in. The stench of booze and smoke swarmed my nostrils as the dance floor overflowed with more people. The flashing neon lights chaotically darted across the place.

My eyes landed on a VIP Room sign written in silver letters.