Page 62 of Say Uncle

I doubted he could see my satisfied smile. “I love you, Matteo Sorrell.”

“So formal,” he mocked. “I love you, too, Samson Barlowe.”

Lightly, I bit down on his nipple. Mattie squealed like a stuck pig. “I love you, Mattie-boy.”

“Love you too, sir.”


“Wear these,” Nicky insisted. “They make your ass look fuckable.”

“Dude, my ass always looks fuckable, no matter what I wear.”

“True,” Nicky conceded.

“Hey, can someone give me a hand with these groceries?” Sam asked, juggling several bags in each hand.

Nicky tossed the skinny jeans he held onto the bed. “Be right there, sir.”

I followed Nicky out to Sam’s truck to manage the rest of the groceries. We came back inside to drop them in the kitchen, where Sam was already unloading the bags.

“These are all for our trip tomorrow. Should I order a pizza for tonight?”

“No, sir. I made other plans for us.”

Sam looked me over, finally, noticing my carefully styled hair, and the short-sleeve button-down shirt made of linen so sheer that the silhouette of my nipples shone through.

“Is this you dressing up for a date? Is Nicky supposed to be your stylist?”

“I may not have the best fashion sense,” Nicky admitted, “but I know what looks hot as fuck on other men. This outfit makes me want to fuck him, so my job is done.”

Sam snorted. “You would want to fuck him if he were wearing a burlap sack.”

Nicky shrugged, not even trying to deny it, and I laughed because I’d never heard anything more true.

Sam shut the fridge and dropped a kiss on Nicky’s cheek before settling his hands on my hips. “So what’s this date I’m supposed to take you on?”

“No, sir, it’s the other way around. I’m taking you out. We’re celebrating.”

“What are we celebrating?”

“My first paycheck from the magazine.”

He tightens his grip. “I’m so fucking proud of you, baby.”

“I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

“The only place I want you to take me is to bed,” he growled playfully, nipping at my neck.

“Sir, you have to take this seriously,” Nicky urged. “This is Mattie’s first date that he’s paying for. It’s a rite of passage.”

“Oh, yeah?” Sam transferred his kisses to Nicky’s neck, making him squeal. “And how many dates have you taken your Daddy on? Or me, for that matter?”

“That’s not the point. The point is…” His point was cut off by Sam when he shoved his tongue into Nicky’s mouth. “Ghee dryu fwswf.”

I laughed at whatever garbled mess Nicky was trying to say. Not even a kiss could shut him up.

“I’ll go get ready,” Sam announced, dropping one last kiss on my lips before he disappeared down the hall.