When we reached the end, I took him in my arms and slid my tongue into his mouth. Mattie practically melted in my embrace. The feel of his velvety tongue tangling with mine made my body come to life. His kiss always did. He pulled back to catch his breath, and I stared into his eyes, wishing I could see inside his head and his heart. I’d give anything to know what he really wanted. I guessed I could start by simply asking.
“What?” he asked when I continued to stare.
“Sometimes I look at you, and I realize what you mean to me, and it blows me away. I never saw you coming,” I chuckled, shaking my head.
“What do you mean, you never saw me coming?”
“You were just a brat, Mattie, a rock in my shoe. A responsibility I was saddled with this summer, and now that I know you, know the kind of man you are, it couldn’t be further from that tough guy exterior you tried to sell me months ago. I…”
“You what?”
I love you.My words got tripped up behind the lump in my throat, and I swallowed to try to clear it. “What if I wanted more?”
“More of what?”
“You. Us. You live with me, and you share a bed with me, but that was circumstances and convenience. What I want… Would you…move in with me?”
Mattie laughed, thinking it was all a joke. “Sure Sam, I’ll move in with you.”
“Mattie,” I breathed, sliding my hand behind his neck to pull him closer. “I’m serious. What if I sold the house?”
He looked mildly panicked. “Why would you sell your house?”
“So that we could buy something together, something that was both of ours instead of just mine.”
“Are you shitting me?”
“No, Mattie-boy, I’m not shitting you,” I assuredhim with a smile. “I’ve never been more serious about anything.”
He shook his head. “I don’t have the kind of money I’d need to buy a house.”
“Come on. You really think I would let you pay for stuff if we were in a committed relationship? It’s part of our arrangement. I call the shots, and I provide for you. I take the brunt of the responsibility for us.”
“That’s total bullshit,” Mattie shouted, sounding outraged. “What am I? What about me?”
“What about you?”
“I wanna be with someone who treats me as an equal, someone who respects me and my ability to contribute.”
Mmm, that fire of his was sparking in full force, and it never failed to make my dick hard. “You can contribute. You can dump all of your paychecks into our savings account. You can contribute in other ways as well,” I added, dropping my gaze to his mouth.
He looked skeptical. “Are you serious?”
“I told you I’m serious. I want to sell the house.”
“And move where?”
“Wherever you want. I was thinking maybe you and Nicky could pick something together.”
“Yeah, where would we go without him?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I wish I did, because it sounds really,reallygood.”
Brushing his hair out of his eyes, I laughed. “Itdoes, doesn’t it? I’m thinking of a house with two primary bedrooms, one for us, and one for Sam and Nicky.”
“You mean we could all live together?”