Page 66 of Say Uncle

“I thought…maybe he would spend the summer with you and get his head on straight and then start college.”

“That’s your dream, Allison, not Mattie’s dream. As long as you continue to force your expectations on him, you’re going to be disappointed. But the fault lies with you, not him.”

“You’re sticking up for him? Are you condoning this behavior?”

“Which behavior is that, preferring men, or wanting to follow his own dreams?”

“I’m talking about college. I’m talking about his future. He can’t work as a cashier for the rest of his life.”

“You’ve mapped out the life you want him to have or his father wants, but nobody ever asked Mattie what he wanted.”

“And you did?” She huffed.

“Have you ever talked to him and just listened?Have you ever asked him what he dreams of? You might be surprised by what he has to say.”

She was silent for long minutes before adding, “And what would he say, Sam?”

“He doesn’t want to come home, Allison.”

“So, he’s just going to move in with you from now on? Two bachelors bunking it up? Hitting all the gay clubs together? Life isn’t a perpetual party.”

Gazing up at the stars, I sighed, feeling inexplicably exhausted. Cass squeezed my hand for comfort. “I find it ironic that my life choices were good enough for you and your husband when you wanted me to be a role model for your son, but now, suddenly, you find fault with my lifestyle.”

“I’m not faulting you. I’m just… I’m scared for him. I worry about him.”

“Allison? Have you ever heard of the saying, ‘too little, too late’? Maybe you should have worried about him months ago, or even a year ago. But not now, not when he’s finally moving in the right direction. I’ve got to let you go. Thanks for calling.”

Cass one-arm-hugged me to his side. He chuffed, and I felt his body shake with silent laughter. “You sounded so mature and responsible. I know you held back what you really wanted to say. I’m proud of you.”

I snorted. “Yeah, can you imagine? Allison, you and your douchey husband made terrible fucking decisions. I’m glad you never had kids of your own. By the way,I’m fucking your son, and I’m going to buy him a house and the four of us are going to live together andshack uplike gay bachelors, hitting the clubs every night.”

He dissolved into a bout of laughter, his head falling into my lap. “It’s not too late to call her back,” he wheezed.

“Fuck no. You’re just bitter because Brian gave you a fat lip when he found out you were fucking his son and you think I deserve a matching one.”

“You’re right. I would definitely feel better if someone hit you. Maybe I could do it?”

Bending over his head, I brought my lips down to his. The kiss started off slow, just a brush of lips. He parted them for me and I slipped inside. He tasted faintly sour from the beer he’d finished over an hour ago.Delicious.

“Let’s go find our boys. It’s time for bed.”

We were up the following morning with the sun, watching it rise from the back deck, along with our guests. “That sunrise is worth every penny we spent,” Sharon vowed.

“Just wait till you see the sunset tonight,” I promised, collecting her empty mimosa glass. “As soon as you’re ready to get going, I’ll take you ashore. Ibelieve your excursion starts in an hour and forty-five minutes.”

They were meeting up with a tour group for a glass-bottom boat ride and a barbecue on the beach, which meant I had the entire day in Bimini alone with my boys.

Speaking of my boys, I went below deck, dropped the empty glasses in the sink, and went to wake the sleeping lazy asses. Today wastheday. Thebig onewe’d all been waiting for, namely, Nicky.

Everyone knew how many punches he’d earned on his card, because every time he earned one, he made a point to let each of us know. He only had one left to go before he got his big prize, and I was fairly certain he would make sure it happened today.

Gently, I shook him awake. “Wake up, sleepyhead. Time to start your day.”

He opened his eyes, one at a time, rubbing the sleep from them, and then, as if some internal clock set off an alarm in his head, he sat straight up, eyes popping wide-open. “Morning Uncle Sam!”

“It’s going to be a good day, little one.”

“It’s going to be agreatday,” he stressed.