Page 54 of Say Uncle

And now, I was fed up with being fed up! In a fit of bratty rage, I chucked my drink overboard, glass and all.

It didn’t go unnoticed by Sam, who was watching me because apparently, he wanted me to see him get his dick sucked by someone else’s mouth.

He crooked his little finger, and I felt the irrational urge to break it off. “Brat, get up on my flybridge, ASAP.”

“ASAP,” I mimicked in a ridiculous voice as I climbed the ladder.

Nicky peeked around Sam’s hip at me, eyes wide, a string of saliva connecting his tongue to Sam’s dick. I hoped he choked on it.

“Nicky, baby, excuse me for a minute. Don’t move.”

He pointed to the cushioned bench behind him, and I plopped my ass down. Instead of sittingbeside me, Sam crouched down in front of me, so that we were at eye level.

“Do you want to tell me why you just threw my glass overboard?”

I rolled my eyes instead of answering.

“I see.” Sighing, he pushed to his feet and then dropped down next to me on the bench. Sam pulled me onto his lap, and my cheeks heated with embarrassment. This wasn’t supposed to be sexy. This was meant to make me feel self-conscious of my behavior, I was sure.

I struggled to slide off his leg, but he held me firm. “Sit still. You want to act like a child, you’ll sit on my lap like a child does.” For the longest time, he just stared into my eyes, and I refused to look away first. Then he smiled, this cocky little half smile he did that never failed to turn me on. “There’s my bratty Mattie. I’ve missed you. Missed that fire. You’ve been way too compliant lately.”

He liked it when I challenged him? When I mouthed off and acted like a hothead? He certainly never seemed to appreciate it in the past.

“You want to tell me why you’re jealous?”

“Jealous?” I shrieked. “Who said anything about being jealous?”

“I’ll ask you again. Do you want to tell me why?”

I doubled down on my defiance, mouth zipped tight, eyes glaring.

He touched his forehead to mine so thathe could whisper without Nicky hearing. “We slept together. I carried you away from them so that I could have you to myself. I marked you and made you mine. You’re my boy, Mattie. Do you know what that means?”

“Yeah, it means I’m supposed to be the one to suck your dick when you need to unload, not someone else’s boy.”

“It means,” he brushed his fingers through my hair, “that, when you have something to say, you come to me and you say it. If you don’t want to be treated like a little, like Nicky, then act like it. Have the balls to tell me what you need and what you want. Otherwise, I can’t give it to you. I’m not a goddamn mind reader.”

Swallowing the bitter taste of jealousy rising in my throat like bile, I admitted, “I don’t like it.”

“You don’t like what?” he asked.

Lifting my chin higher, I told him, “You sneaking off to do stuff with someone else instead of me.”

“I didn’t sneak off. You were right fucking there.”

I just couldn’t say it again, tell him how much I didn’t like it. How jealous I was. I felt left out, or like, passed over; like he chose Nicky’s mouth over mine. Was it because I had done a terrible job sucking his dick? It was only my second time. How could I learn if he asked someone else instead of me?

“Everything you just said in your head, you should have said out loud to me.” I turned my eyes sideways, refusing to meet his stare. “Look at me! I would never belittle you or make you feel bad for speaking yourmind and telling me how you feel. Especially if I was the cause of it. Talk to me, Mattie.”

Of all the horrors, I felt tears sting my eyes, but fuck if I knew why. Sam swiped them away, which gave me the courage to speak.

“Maybe because this is still new, and I don’t know where I stand with you. I don’t like feeling left out. Like you favor someone else over me. Like I’m not good enough.”

Sam shook his head, showing me instead of telling me I was wrong. He brushed his lips softly over mine, trying to coax my mouth open. I allowed him in, and he slid his tongue inside, caressing mine in a seductive dance. His hands tangled in my hair, and he pulled me close. God, he smelled incredible—coconut sunblock, deodorant, and clean sweat. When he pulled back, his voice sounded husky and rough.

“You’re my boy. Say it.”

“I’m your boy.”