His words are harsh, but I can't deny the small, vindictive part of me that agrees. Still, I shake my head. "It's not just about them. The waira are getting more aggressive. What if they come back here in greater numbers?"
He barks out a laugh, wincing slightly at the movement. "Let them come. I'll tear them apart, rip their fucking hearts out."
"You're still healing," I remind him gently. "And even at full strength, we barely survived the last attack."
His eyes narrow, a growl rumbling in his chest. "What are you suggesting?"
I take a slow, steady breath, steeling myself. "Maybe... maybe we should consider leaving. Once you're healed, of course. Find somewhere safer, away from the waira packs."
For a moment, silence reigns. Then he sits up abruptly, ignoring my protests about his wounds. His tentacles reach out and wrap around my waist pulling me close.
"Leave?" he snarls, his face inches from mine. "This is my territory. Our territory. I don't run from anything, especially not those mangy fuckers."
I shiver, not entirely from fear. His possessiveness, his raw power, it both terrifies and thrills me. "I'm not saying we should run," I explain, placing a hand on his chest. "But sometimes, a tactical retreat is the smart move. We could find a better defensible position, somewhere with more resources."
His grip on me tightens, but not painfully. His eyes search mine, and I can see the conflict there. "You want to leave because you're scared," he accuses.
"I'm scared for you," I admit. "For us. Is that so wrong?"
His expression softens slightly, one hand coming up to cup my face. "No one's ever given a shit about my safety before," he murmurs.
I lean into his touch. My heart aches for the loneliness he must have endured. "Well, I do. And I'm not going anywhere without you. But I think we need to consider our options."
He's quiet for a long moment, his thumb tracing my cheekbone. Finally, he sighs. "Fine. We'll talk about it."
With that, he pulls me down onto the bed beside him, his tentacles wrapping around me. As I settle against his warmth, a hopeful smile plays on my lips.
I curl up closer next to him and rest my head on his chest. The steady thrum of his heartbeat is a comforting rhythm that grounds me as my mind wanders to the future.
"Jytos," I murmur, "Can you try and picture a life somewhere away from this cave?"
He grunts, his arm tightening around me. "Why the fuck would I want to? We've got everything we need right here."
I bite my lip, hesitating. "I know, but... There's so much out there we haven't seen."
His tentacles twitch, betraying his agitation. "Out there is fucking dangerous, Bella. Here, I can protect you."
"You nearly died protecting me here," I remind him gently. "What if we found somewhere better? Somewhere we could build a real life together?"
He shifts slightly. His green eyes bore into mine, intense and searching. "What kind of life are you dreaming of?"
I feel my cheeks flush under his scrutiny. "I don't know, exactly. Maybe... a home of our own? Somewhere we could explore without constant threat. Where we could..." I trail off, suddenly embarrassed.
"Could what?" he presses, a hint of a growl in his voice.
I take in a slow breath. "Where we could maybe... start a family someday?"
For a moment, he's silent, and I fear I've said too much. Then, to my surprise, he laughs. It's a deep, rumbling sound that vibrates through his chest.
"A family?" he repeats, shaking his head. "Bella, you really are something else."
I start to pull away, stung, but his tentacles wrap around me, holding me close.
"Hey," he says, softer now. "I didn't say no. It's just... not something I ever thought possible."
Hope blooms within me. "So you're not opposed to the idea?"
He snorts. "Opposed to the idea of little Bellas running around? Fuck no. But you need to understand something."