She blushes,but there's a glint in her eye that sends a thrill through me. "Later," she promises. "When you're stronger."

I pull her close again,savoring the feeling of her soft body against mine. When I'm healed, I'll show Bella just how much she means to me. How she's changed everything.



Icradle Jytos's head gently and bring a wooden bowl of broth to his lips. "Easy now," I murmur, tipping it slowly. "Small sips."

His eyes lock onto mine, gratitude shimmering in their depths. Even in his weakened state, he exudes an aura of power that makes my heart race.

"Tastes like shit," he grumbles, but drinks obediently.

I can't help but chuckle. "Well, I'm no master chef. But it'll help you heal."

As I tend to him, my mind wanders. Who would've thought I'd end up here, nursing this formidable creature back to health? The village elders certainly didn't see this coming when they offered me up as a sacrifice.

Jytos shifts, wincing. His tentacles twitch, and I gently smooth them down. "Easy," I soothe. "You took quite a beating."

"Fucking waira," he snarls. "Should've ripped them all to shreds."

I smile, oddly comforted by his ferocity. "You did pretty well, considering."

His hand finds mine, squeezing with surprising gentleness. "We did well," he corrects. "Your aim was impressive."

I can't help but feel a sense of pride at his praise. I've come so far from the meek village girl I once was. "I had a good teacher," I reply, leaning in to kiss his forehead.

He growls softly, a sound that sends a wave of excitement through me. "When I'm fully healed," he rumbles, "I'll show you just how good a teacher I can be."

I blush, but don't look away. "I look forward to it," I whisper. "But for now, rest. Doctor's orders."

He snorts but settles back, allowing me to change his bandages. As I work, I marvel at how natural this feels. My hands move with confidence as I apply salves and rewrap his wounds.

"You know," I muse aloud, "I always wanted to be a healer. Back in the village, they said I was too soft-hearted."

His laugh is a low rumble. "Soft-hearted? The woman who speared a waira through the gut?"

I grin, feeling a rush of confidence. "I guess I've changed a bit."

"You've grown stronger," he says, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "But your heart... that kindness. That's what saved me."

Our eyes meet, and in that moment, I know I'm exactly where I'm meant to be.

"We saved each other," I whisper, leaning in to capture his lips in a gentle kiss.

Later that day, I pace around the cave reflecting on the recent battle and the ongoing waira threat in the region. I pause for a moment and lean against the rough cave wall. My fingers absently trace the intricate patterns of moss growing there. The air is thick with the scent of healing herbs and the metallictang of blood. Jytos shifts on his makeshift bed, his tentacles twitching restlessly.

"I heard the waira howling last night," I say, breaking the silence. "They're getting bolder."

He grunts, his green eyes flashing with barely contained fury. "Fucking pests."

I bite my lip, hesitating before voicing the thought that's been nagging at me. "They... they attacked my old village again."

His gaze snaps to mine, sharp and questioning. "How do you know?"

"I saw the smoke," I admit. "When I was gathering herbs yesterday. It was rising from that direction."

His tentacles coil tightly, a clear sign of his agitation. "And? What of it? Those bastards sacrificed you. Let them burn."