Bella's hand finds mine,squeezing gently. "We know," she says softly. "You've always kept us safe."
I look down at her,at our children, at this life I never thought possible. And in that moment, I know with absolute certainty that I would burn the world to ash to protect them.
"Always,"I vow, pulling them closer. "You're mine. All of you. And I protect what's mine."
The dream begins to fade,but the warmth within me lingers. Even as my consciousness fades in and out, I cling to the image of that perfect future. It gives me strength, fueling my determination to heal, to fight, to claim the life I now know I want more than anything.
I suddenly wake with a start.My eyes snap open as full consciousness floods back. The cave's familiar scent of damp stone and earth fills my nostrils, grounding me in reality. My body aches. Each movement sends sharp jolts of pain through my muscles. But I'm alive, dammit, and that's what counts.
Bella's faceswims into focus, her brown eyes red-rimmed and puffy. Tears have carved glistening tracks down her cheeks, and dark circles shadow her eyes. She looks like hell, but she's still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"You're awake,"she breathes, her voice cracking with relief. "I thought... I was afraid you..."
"Takes morethan a few mangy waira to keep me down," I growl, my voice rough from disuse. I try to sit up, but my body protests violently. "Fuck," I hiss through clenched teeth.
Bella's handsare on me instantly, gentle yet firm as she eases me back down. "Don't move," she orders, and I can't help but smirk at the authority in her tone. My little human's grown some backbone.
"You've been out for days,"she continues, reaching for a crude wooden bowl nearby. "I've been doing my best to keep you hydrated and tend to your wounds, but..." She trails off, biting her lip.
I takein the cave around us. Signs of Bella's efforts are everywhere - piles of herbs, strips of cloth stained with blood, the remnants of small game animals. I suddenly feel overwhelmed with pride. My mate is a survivor.
I reach out,ignoring the pain as I cup her face with one massive hand. "You did good, little one," I rumble, my thumb brushing away a stray tear. "Kept us both alive."
She leans into my touch,her eyes fluttering closed for a moment. When she opens them again, there's a fire there that sends a thrill through me.
"I won't lose you,"she says fiercely. "Not now, not ever."
A soft growlof approval rumbles in my throat. I pull her closer, ignoring the protest of my battered body. "You won't," I promise, my voice rough with emotion. "I'm not going anywhere."
She nods,and says softly, "You should keep resting. You need to regain your strength."
I nod reluctantly,settling back against the furs. As my eyes start to close, I catch her hand in mine. "Thank you," I murmur, the words feeling foreign on my tongue. But she deserves to hear them.
She squeezesmy hand as a smile spreads across her face. "Always," she whispers.
As sleep claimsme once more, I'm filled with a sense of peace I've never known before. I'm home, I'm safe, and I'm loved.
I soon wakefrom my short nap. My body still aches, but my mind is clearer. Bella's warm presence beside me is a balm to my battered soul. I turn my head, drinking in the sight of her. Even exhausted and worried, she's fucking beautiful.
"Hey,"I growl softly, my voice still rough. "Miss me?"
Her eyes snap to mine,relief flooding her features. "Jytos," she breathes, her voice cracking. "How are you feeling?"
I smirk,flexing my muscles despite the pain. "Like I could take on a whole pack of waira single-handedly."
She laughs,the sound music to my ears. "Liar," she accuses, but there's no heat in it. Her small hand finds mine, squeezing gently. "I was so scared," she admits.
Something in my chest tightens at her words. I tug her closer despite the protest of my wounds. "I'm not leaving you. Not now, not ever."
Tearswell up in her eyes, and she buries her face in my chest. I wrap my arms around her, my tentacles curling protectively around us both.
"I love you,"she murmurs against my skin.
A growlof satisfaction rumbles through me. I cup her face in my hands. "I love you too," I declare.
Her eyes shinewith unshed tears and something else – desire, maybe. Love, definitely. She leans in, pressing her lips to mine in a kiss that's equal parts desperate and tender.
When we break apart,I can't help but grin. "Careful, little one," I tease. "I might not be fully healed, but I'm more than capable of showing you exactly how much I love you."