Pride swells through me. My woman, ready to face down monsters by my side. But I'll be damned if I let any of those fuckers get near her.

I stride to the cave mouth, my muscles coiled tight with anticipation. The howls grow louder and echo off the mountain walls. I bare my teeth in a feral grin. Let them come. I'll tear them apart, one by fucking one.

"Jytos," Bella's voice pulls me back. "The traps."

Right. I nod, moving to check our preparations. Sharp stakes line the path leading to our cave hidden beneath a thin layer of snow. Tripwires crisscross the ground, ready to send boulders crashing down. It's not much, but it'll slow the bastards down.

I turn back to Bella, drinking in the sight of her. Her brown curls are wild, and her eyes are bright with determination. My chest tightens. I'll keep her safe. I have to.

"Come here," I growl, pulling her close. I kiss her hard, pouring every ounce of my need and protectiveness into it. She responds with equal fervor, her small hands gripping my arms.

When we break apart, she's breathless. "What was that for?"

I grin. "For luck. And because you're mine."

She rolls her eyes, but I catch the smile she tries to hide. "As if I could forget."

Another howl splits the air, closer still. My tentacles writhe with anticipation, itching for a fight.

"Get ready," I say, moving back to the cave entrance. "They'll be here soon."

Bella takes her position. I scan the snowy landscape, my eyes searching for movement in the shadows. Nothing yet. But soon.

"Jytos," Bella's voice is soft. "We'll make it through this. Together."

I look back at her, this tiny human who's become my whole world. "Damn right we will," I growl with confidence.

The howls are deafening now. At any moment, they'll crest the ridge. I flex my hands, feeling my claws extend.

"Get ready," I tell her. "It's about to get messy."

The first waira crests the ridge, its mangy fur matted with blood and filth. I bare my sharp teeth in a feral grin. Finally, some fucking action.

"Alright, Bella," I rumble, my voice laced with excitement. "It's showtime."

The beast charges at me, all gnashing teeth and razor claws. I meet it head-on, my own claws raking across its face. Blood sprays, hot and thick. The waira howls in pain, but I'm already moving, my tentacles lashing out to wrap around its throat.

"That all you got?" I taunt, squeezing until I hear the satisfying crunch of bone.

More of the bastards pour over the ridge in a seething mass of fur and fury. I laugh, the sound harsh and wild. This is what I live for.

I soon tear into them. My claws and tentacles are a blur of motion. Blood soaks the snow, turning it a sickening crimson. Limbs fly as I rip through the pack. Each kill only fuels my bloodlust.

"Jytos, on your left!" Bella's voice cuts through the chaos.

I whirl, just in time to see an arrow embed itself in a waira's eye socket. The beast drops, twitching. Damn, my woman's got aim.

"Nice shot, Bella," I call back, before diving back into the fray.

A particularly large waira lunges for my throat. I duck, then drive my fist up through its jaw. My hand emerges from the top of its skull dripping gore. I shake off the carcass, already scanning for my next target.

The air is thick with the stench of blood and death. Dismembered waira parts litter the ground, a grotesque obstaclecourse. But they keep coming, an endless wave of snapping jaws and raking claws.

I suddenly feel a sharp pain as claws rake across my back. Fucking amateur move. I spin, grabbing the offending waira by its throat. With a roar of rage, I tear its head clean off, tossing it aside like garbage.

"You okay?" Bella shouts, losing another arrow into the melee.

"Never better," I growl back, my blood singing with the thrill of battle. "This is just a warm-up."