When our lips part, my fingers linger on his sharp cheekbones. He says breathlessly, "You are my queen. With you, I stand undefeated, no longer the last of the Umbrath forced into solitude."
We soon make our way back into the cave and lie down on our bed of soft moss. As we lay there with our bodies entwined,I can’t help but think how this cave, once so unwelcoming, is now a sanctuary to me. How Jytos, once a creature of doom, has transformed into the guardian of a fierce and unbreakable flame that burns within me. And I find myself yearning for more — more of his unapologetic brutality wrapped in tenderness only for me, more of our shared solitude and whispers in the night.
His green eyes bore into mine as his hand envelops mine in a gesture that seals a silent pact. And in this moment, bound by the primal essence of our unlikely love, I know I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm exactly where I belong: in the heart of the wild, cherished by the monster who teaches me every day how it feels to truly live, not merely survive.
The icy wind whips against my rough face as I stalk through the snow-covered forest on the hunt for more food. My tentacles twitch, sensing every minute change in the air. Something's off. The usual stillness of these mountains has been disturbed recently.
I crouch downand examine some tracks in the snow. Waira. And not just one or two. These prints tell a different story - a whole damn pack has been through here.
"Fuck,"I mutter angrily, my breath clouding in the frigid morning air.
The tracks arefresh as the ground is barely dusted with new snow. The waira are moving with purpose and heading closer to my territory. To my cave. To Bella. A growl rumbles through me at the thought of those mangy beasts anywhere near what's mine.
My tentacles writhe restlessly,itching for a fight. I follow the trail moving silently despite my massive size. Years of hunting have honed my skills. Nothing escapes my notice - not the bent branches, not the tufts of fur caught on thorny bushes.
As I crest a hill,I spot them in the valley below. At least a dozen waira. Their dark matted fur stands out against the pristine snow. They're gathered around something - probably the carcass of some unfortunate creature.
I watch them intently,noting their movements, their hierarchy. Knowledge is power, and I'll be damned if I let these mutts catch me off guard. The alpha of the pack raises its head suddenly, sniffing the air. For a moment, I think it's caught my scent. But no - it's distracted by something else. Something in the direction of my cave.
My blood runs cold.Bella. She could be out there, alone and vulnerable. The waira haven't spotted her yet, but it's only a matter of time.
Every instinct in my body screams at me to rush back and scoop her up, keeping her safe. But I force myself to stay put for a moment. Charging in without a plan is a fool's move. I need to be smart about this. These waira are a threat, and threats need to be eliminated. Permanently.
As I watch the pack,my mind races with possibilities. I could take them on now, but the odds aren't in my favor. No, I need to be strategic. Set traps. Pick them off one by one. A plan starts to form in my mind. It'll take some time, but I'll make sure these bastards regret ever setting foot in my territory. I turn backtowards the cave moving swiftly but cautiously, making sure the waira don’t pick up my scent.
I tryto step as gently as I can manage against the snow-covered ground as I trek back to our sanctuary. My tentacles whip silently through the air, sensing for any immediate threats. The scent of Bella grows stronger as I near the cave entrance, and my heart rate quickens.
"Bella!"I bellow as I burst into the cave. My eyes scan the dimly lit interior, searching for her familiar form.
She emerges from the shadows,her brow furrowed with concern. "Jytos? What's wrong?"
I stride quickly towards her,my tentacles reaching out to caress her face, reassuring myself that she's safe. "Waira. A whole fucking pack of them, heading this way."
Her eyes widen,fear flickering across her features. "How many?"
"At least a dozen,"I growl, my teeth bared at the thought. "We need to prepare."
She nods,her initial fear replaced by a fierce determination. "What's the plan?"
I can't helpbut smirk a little. She's always ready to face whatever shit life throws at us these days. "We set traps. Make this place a death trap for those mangy mutts."
"What kind of traps?"she asks, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
I move deeperinto the cave, gesturing for her to follow me. "I've got some ideas. First, we'll need to gather materials."
We spendthe next few hours scouring the cave and surrounding area for anything that might be useful. She proves to be very resourceful, spotting things I might have overlooked. Her small size allows her to reach places I can't to retrieve sharp rocks and sturdy vines.
As we work,I explain my plan. "We'll set up a series of traps along the main approaches to the cave. Pitfalls covered with snow, trip wires that'll bring down boulders, that sort of shit."
She nods,her brow furrowed in concentration. "What about inside the cave?"
"That's where it gets interesting,"I grin, my sharp teeth glinting in the dim light. "We'll create choke points, funnel them into areas where we have the advantage."
As we continue our work,I can't help but marvel at how seamlessly we function together. She anticipates my needs,handing me tools before I even ask for them. It's like she can read my mind, and it sends a thrill through me.