But she needs this.I can see it in the way her eyes light up as she discovers new plants, in the spring in her step as she climbs over fallen logs. She's not meant to be caged, even if that cage is my protection.

"Look at this flower, Jytos!"she calls out, holding up a delicate blue blossom. "Isn't it beautiful?"

I nod,not giving a shit about the flower but loving the joy on her face. "Yeah, it's nice. Just watch where you step, alright?"

She laughs,the sound echoing through the trees. "You worry too much."

"Someone has to,"I mutter, scanning the treeline for any signs of danger.

As the days pass,I force myself to relax a bit more. Bella's treks grow longer, her confidence building with each outing. I still keep watch, my senses on high alert for any threat. But I let her roam further, explore more.

One afternoon,she returns with her arms full of berries and mushrooms. "Look what I found!" she exclaims, dumping her haul at my feet. "We can have these with dinner."

I eye the pile skeptically."You sure these are safe to eat?"

She nods enthusiastically."I'm certain. I used to gather these all the time in the village."

The mentionof her old home sends a spike of jealousy through me. I push it down, focusing instead on her excitement.

Later,as we sit by the fire eating our meal, I can't help but feel a sense of pride. She's growing stronger, more comfortable. She's adapting to life out here, to life with me. And fuck if that doesn't make me want her even more.

"This is good,"I admit, gesturing to the berries she gathered. "You did well today."

Her face lights upat the praise. "Thank you, Jytos. I'm glad you like it."

I reach out,my tentacles wrapping gently around her waist. "Bella," I growl softly, pulling her close.

She comes willingly,settling against my chest. I breathe in her scent. Mine, my instincts scream. All mine.



Istep out of the cave, the crisp mountain air filling my lungs. It's a welcome change from the musty scent inside. The sun warms my face, and I can't help but smile. This newfound freedom, it's exhilarating.

My fingers brush against the rough bark of a nearby tree. "Who would've thought I'd end up here?" I mutter to myself, shaking my head in disbelief.

I soon begin my foraging. I scan the ground for any edible plants. As I work, my mind wanders to him. Jytos. The monster. My protector. My... something more?

A shiver runs through me, and it's not from the cool breeze. I can't help but think about his touch, gentle despite those fearsome claws. His green eyes, how they soften when they look at me.

"Get it together, Bella," I chide myself, but my heart races all the same.

I spot some berries and kneel to gather them. My hands shake slightly as I work. My thoughts are a jumble of confusion and desire.

"He's not human," I whisper, trying to convince myself. But then again, humans threw me away like trash. Jytos... he saved me. Protected me. Cares for me.

I stand up and stretch my back. The mountains loom around me, majestic and indifferent to my inner turmoil. I feel so small here yet so free. Back in the village, I was nothing. Here, with Jytos, I'm... everything.

My cheeks burn at the thought. I've never felt so wanted, so cherished. It's terrifying and exciting all at once.

A bird calls overhead and startles me from my reverie. I look up, watching it soar across the azure sky.

"I'm stronger now," I realize aloud. Living with Jytos, learning to survive - it's changed me. I'm not the meek village girl anymore. I'm becoming someone new, someone braver.

I continue my foraging. My movements grow more confident. Each plant I identify, each root I dig up, is a small victory. Proof that I can survive out here.

As I work, I can't help but imagine Jytos's reaction when I return with my bounty. Will he be proud of me again? Will those strong arms wrap around me in appreciation?