As we approach the village square, my heart races uncontrollably. The weight of my fate crushes down on me, and suddenly, I can't breathe. I can't do this. I won't.

Without thinking, I wrench my arm from Elder Belinda's grasp and bolt. My bare feet slap against the cold, hard ground as I run, the ceremonial dress billowing around me. For a moment, just a moment, I taste freedom.

"Bella! Stop her!" Elder Belinda's shrill voice cuts through the air.

I dart between houses, my lungs burning as I gasp for air. The village blurs around me, familiar sights twisted into a maze of potential escape routes. I spot a narrow passage between two buildings and make a sharp turn.

"There she is!" A deep voice booms from behind me.

Heavy footsteps thunder in pursuit. I push myself harder, my legs screaming in protest. The passage opens up to a small clearing, and I see the village wall. If I can just reach it...

Rough hands grab my arms, yanking me backward. I cry out, more in frustration than pain.

"Let me go!" I struggle against the iron grip of Gareth, one of the village hunters. His calloused hands dig into my skin as he holds me in place.

"Can't do that, Bella," he grunts, effortlessly lifting me off my feet as I kick and squirm. "You know this has to be done."

Tears of anger and despair blur my vision. "Please," I beg, my voice breaking. "Don't do this."

"I thought you were braver than this, Bella," Elder Belinda says, her tone dripping with disappointment as she approaches. "Think of the village. Think of the lives you'll save."

Her words sting, but they also ignite a spark of defiance I didn't know I had. "And who thinks of my life?" I spit back, surprising myself with the venom in my voice.

A murmur ripples through the small crowd that has gathered. I see doubt flicker across some faces, but it's quickly replaced by resolve.

"Take her to the square," Elder Belinda commands, turning away. "And make sure she doesn't try to run again."

As Gareth starts to drag me back, my brief moment of courage crumbles. I slump in his arms, the fight draining out of me. The cold reality settles in – there's no escape. No one is coming to save me. I'm alone, truly alone.

And as we near the village square, the weight of my solitude threatens to crush me entirely.

Elder Belinda's eyes narrow as she surveys the scene. "Change of plans. We'll conduct the ritual outside the village."

My heart sinks even lower. They're taking away my last moments in the only home I've ever known. Gareth's grip on my arm tightens as he leads me towards the village gates. The crowd follows, a somber procession in the fading light.

As we pass through the gates, the familiar warmth of the village gives way to the chill of the forest. The trees loom over us, their branches reaching out like gnarled fingers. Shadows dance across the ground as we make our way deeper into the forest.

"Here," Elder Belinda announces, gesturing to a small clearing.

The villagers form a circle around me. Their faces, once so familiar, now seem alien in the ghostly light. I search for a friendly face, someone who might speak up for me, but find only solemn resignation.

"Bella," Mara steps forward. "I... I'm sorry it had to be you."

I want to scream that she's not sorry enough to stop this madness. But the words die in my throat. What good would it do now? Instead, we embrace in a hug one last time, and I see the tears glistening in her eyes.

Elder Belinda clears her throat. "It's time. Bella, step into the center of the clearing."

My legs feel like lead as I move. The cold ground beneath my bare feet is freezing, and I shiver.

Elder Belinda approaches, a small pouch in her wrinkled hands. "These herbs will... ease your journey," she says, her voice devoid of emotion.

The pungent scent of the herbs fills my nostrils as she opens the pouch. My stomach churns with fear and revulsion. Is this how it ends? Drugged and left as a sacrifice in the cold, dark forest?

"Take them," Elder Belinda insists, holding out a handful of dried leaves.

I stare at the herbs, my mind racing. What if I refuse? But as I look around at the grim faces surrounding me, I realize it's futile. They've made their choice, and I'm powerless to change it.

With trembling hands, I reach for the herbs. The leaves feel rough against my palm. I bring them to my lips, hesitating for a moment.