“Then follow me. When we get through the gate, your vehicle is going to be searched. It’s a requirement for all non-government vehicles, no big,” I explain. “Once we’re finished and driving again, watch your speed, as the MP’s aren’t as forgiving as the cops outside of base are. If we happen to get separated at one of the stoplights, I’ll pull over and wait for you.”
“Okay, sounds easy enough,” she states. I kiss her again and then open her door for her.
“My place is only about five minutes away.”
“See you soon then,” she says, winking at me.
I jump into my truck and pull out, making sure she’s behind me when we get in the line to go past the guard shack.
“Good evening, sir,” the young guard greets me as I flash him my ID.
“The car behind me is with me. We just got her a base pass.”
“No problem, sir, I’ll get you both through.”
“Thanks, have a nice night.” I pull forward and wait up ahead of the gate for the guard to check Stacey’s pass and ID, and then wave her through. She pulls up behind me and parks. I stand with her, holding her close, as her vehicle is checked in its entirety, for any questionable items or substances.
“Sure hope he doesn’t confiscate my blow-up doll,” she murmurs, then bursts out laughing as I whip my head over to look at her, eyes wide. “Kidding. Oh my gosh, the look on your face. Priceless.”
“You’re crazy,” I reply, squeezing her hip and chuckling. “You had me for a minute.”
Once the all-clear is given, I lead the way to my apartment, thankful we don’t get separated on the way.
I park and jump out of my truck before Stacey can get her own car turned off. I open her back door and grab the small weekend bag she has packed, slinging it over my shoulder, then opening her door so she can get out.
“I can’t believe you’re finally here,” I tell her as I press a kiss to her lips.
With my empty hand, I link our fingers together and lead her up to my apartment. Once inside, I kick off my shoes and take her bag into the bedroom, dropping it on the floor at the end of the bed.
“Nice place!” Stacey calls out from the living room.
“Did you think I’d live in a dump?” I ask with a laugh, walking out to where she’s standing, in the middle of the room.
“No, just was expecting more of a bachelor pad. That, and I was surprised when you told me you lived in an apartment. I thought you would have to be in the barracks.”
“The barracks were full when I was assigned to this base, so they had to make some exceptions. Now that I’ve been here for so long, they’ve just let me stay in this apartment. Wait, have you been researching being in the Army?” I ask.
“Maybe,” she says coyly as I pull her into my embrace. Her arms go around my waist as our lips come together. I suck her bottom lip between my teeth and gently bite down, then track my hands down her sides, over her hips, and onto her ass. Grabbing two handfuls, I pick her up and her legs wrap around my waist.
I break the kiss, bringing our foreheads together for a few moments.
“Dinner or bedroom first?” I ask, giving her the option.
She bites that bottom lip while thinking over her decision. “Um…bedroom,” she finally whispers in my ear.
I quickly move us to the bedroom and lay her down on the bed.
“Don’t,” I say, stopping her from taking off her shirt. “Let me.”
I skim my fingertips along the small strip of skin that’s peeking out between the hem of her t-shirt and her jeans. I slide my hands up under her shirt, taking it with me and exposing more skin as my hands move further up.
I bring my lips to the exposed skin and kiss each inch as I uncover it. Stacey grabs the back of my head, no longer able to hold on to my hair as I had it cut once I returned to base last weekend. Her nails still dig in as she scrapes them against my skin.
With her shirt pushed up to just under her breasts, I tug her to a sitting position and slip the top off over her head. Herbreasts fill out the bra she’s got on, almost allowing them to spill over. I kiss along the tops of them as I reach behind her and flick open the clasp. Her bra falls away from her body and I cup her breasts in my hands. I roll her hardening nipples between my fingertips before I suck one into my mouth, making sure to lavish it with my tongue.
As I focus my attention to her breasts, Stacey starts sliding my own shirt up my abs. I break away from her chest to pull it off over my head, tossing it onto the floor behind me. She takes advantage of our position and starts kissing along my chest and abs, making her way down to the top of my jeans. I feel the button of my jeans pop open and the zipper lower.
“Hey now,” I chide. “I was having fun undressing you.”