Two months later
I standin front of the mirror, checking over my complete look for tonight. I splurged and had my hair and makeup done at the salon today. I love the way my hair is styled, and my makeup is on point.
“Lee is going to swallow his tongue when he sees you, girl!” Lindsay says. She’s going with Tucker to the ball tonight, so we did the salon thing together.
“Just like Tucker will with you,” I tell my best friend.
“I guess we’re some pretty lucky women. Have some amazing guys escorting us tonight that we both know are a sure thing later.” She smirks.
I love my best friend, and she knows the score between Lee and me, but her words cut deep. She might have the sweetest man who’s swept her off her feet, but that isn’t the same for me. Lee and I are just fuck buddies. I’d love to be more, but I’m afraid to tell him that. I’m worried that he’ll tell me he can’t do anything more and then cut me out of his life.
“What’s wrong?” Lindsay asks, noticing that I’ve gone quiet.
I shake off her comment; I don’t want to cry and mess up my makeup for tonight. “It’s nothing,” I tell her, straightening my spine and plastering on a fake smile. I know she can see right through me, but she must see something in my expression because she somewhat lets it go.
“I know something is bothering you; if I let it go for now, will you tell me later?”
“Yes, I promise. I just don’t want to cry before the guys get here.”
“Okay, tomorrow we’re having a girls' day,” she states.
“Sounds perfect.” I hug Lindsay. She’s genuinely the sister I never had growing up. I don’t know what I’d do without her in my life. We’ve been by each other's side for so long that I can’t even remember a time before we were friends.
* * *
Lee holdshis hand out for me to take as I exit the limo. The guys splurged and hired it for tonight. That way, none of us had to drive, especially since the ball has an open bar.
“Thank you.” I smile up at him as I stand on my high heels. The moment I saw these in the store, I just knew I had to have them. I also knew they’d drive him crazy.
“You look fucking incredible tonight,” Lee whispers into my ear once I’m standing in front of him. “If it wasn’t for Tucker and Lindsay being with us, I wouldn't have let you out of your place.”
“No way, mister. I didn’t spend all day getting ready for tonight for you not to take me out. I’m getting everything out of this fancy party.”
“All right, then. Let’s go,” he says and takes my hand, slipping it in the crook of his elbow as he escorts me into the hotel.
We quickly find the ballroom the event is being held in. It is simple but elegant. A large dance floor in the middle of the room is surrounded by large round tables and chairs.
We find a table with other guys from their firehouse, the four of us fill in the remaining empty seats. It isn’t long before the fire commissioner takes command of the room from the podium in the center of a stage behind the dance floor.
After his welcome speech, the servers start making their rounds with our dinner. The department goes all out on this ball, from what I can tell. The food is top-notch, and the alcohol is flowing.
“Care to join me out on the dance floor?” Lee asks once we’ve finished our dinner and the music has started to play.
“I’d love to, Mr. Crawford,” I tell him, accepting his hand. He’s always got a sexy vibe, but he is sex on legs in his dress uniform tonight.
Lee leads me out onto the dance floor, then pulls me in close to his body as a slow song plays over the speaker. “Are you having a good time tonight?” he asks after a few moments.
“I am, are you?” I ask. I shift so I can look up at him as we dance and talk.
“Yes, although, I still can’t wait to get you home and out of this dress. It looks fan-fucking-tastic on you, but it will look even better on my bedroom floor.”
“You’re incorrigible.” I laugh at him and shake my head. I swear he’d spend his entire life in bed if he had things his way.
“I’m just incredibly attracted to the sexy woman in my arms. Can’t blame a man for wanting to keep her locked in his bed forever.” I suck in a quick breath at his words. I know he doesn’t really mean those in the sense that I’d like him to.
I rest my head against his chest again, enjoying the feeling of our bodies being pressed against one another.
Before long, the DJ turns up the tempo on the music, busting out the songs that have everyone up and off their feet and having a good time. I have no idea how much time passes; I just know that we have the best night, dancing and drinking with our friends until the last call comes and the DJ closes the night out with one last slow song for all the couples left in the room. Tucker and Lindsay hold each other tight as they sway around the floor; I envy their new relationship. They both have gone all-in with seeing where things go between them, and I am cheering them on the entire way.