“You’ve gotsome dishing to do,” Lindsay calls out as I walk through her door. I texted her earlier to make sure she’d be home before I dropped by with some wine. I knew she’d want to know what happened last night, and if I’m being honest, I need to talk it out with my best friend.
“Food and wine, and then I’ll dish,” I tell her before I take the bags I brought straight to the kitchen. She helps me get everything unpacked, as I brought all the fixings for a charcuterie board. Lindsay pulls her board out, and she starts assembling the meat, cheese, and crackers on it while I pull out the wine opener and crack the bottle open, pouring both of us a healthy glass.
“Okay, so…” I finally break my silence as we make our way into the living room. Lindsay carries the board while I have our glasses and two plates. Lindsay sets the board down on the coffee table and takes one of the plates and glasses from my hands. “It was a crazy night. I lost count of how many times we did it,” I finally tell her.
“So, it was good, then?” she asks, a smirk on her lips.
“Um, yeah. That boy, I mean,manknows how to work it. He was, ahem,very talented,to say the least,” I dish.
“Good for you. Way to work it. So, was it a one-night kind of hook-up, or are y’all going to do it again?” she asks.
“We didn’t define anything, just left it kind of open-ended,” I tell her as I shrug my shoulders slightly. We both fill our plates and sit back on the couch, turned so we’re facing one another. “Last night, or maybe it was early this morning, I don’t really remember what time it was, but anyway, we’d had a little snack because we were both starving. We’d just finished and were just snuggled up together, and he told me what it was like for him to watch me out on the dance floor. How it drove him wild. I asked if that was the case, why he never came out and danced with me. He chalked it up to not wanting to make the wrong impression with all our friends there. He reminded me he is a one-night stand kind of guy, which kind of stung. But then, this morning, he actually asked me if we could do it again, so I have no freaking idea what to really think,” I word vomit all over her.
“Did you getanysleep?” she prods before taking a sip of her wine.
“Nope,” I say, popping the p. “Well, not until I went home. I shit you not, we probably had sex ten times, and he fucking came every time andmade me come. As I said, that man is fucking talented in the bedroom.”
“Sounds like a fun night.” She bounces her eyebrows at me. “Glad it was mutually satisfying.”
“I’ll be thinking about it for a long time, that’s for sure. I also don’t know how I’m walking today,” I say, laughing.
“So, from the sounds of it, he wants a friends with benefits situation? Are you game for that?” she asks.
“I think so, maybe for a little while. I mean, the sex was phenomenal. I’d be a fool to pass that up.”
“Sex isn't everything. I don’t want to see you get hurt,” Lindsay says.
“I know, and if we do end up with an FWB, I’ll go into it with a completely open mind and hopefully not develop any feelings past the attraction I already have for him.”
“That’s a good plan; I just don’t want to see you get hurt. FWB situations tend to never work out, someone always catches feelings, and they end up broken-hearted and lose a friendship, as well.”
“I know, but what if he changes his mind. What if he realizes that what we have is real and he wants to give it a shot?” I question.
“Then you ride off into the sunset madly in love, but you might also be drowning your sorrows in wine while eating your weight in ice cream.”
“I know. Being an adult sucks,” I say, downing the rest of my wine.
“Oh, before I forget, I ran into Tucker at the grocery store today, and he invited both of us to a football and bonfire party next Saturday. I told him that I wasn’t sure if I could make it since I told Betty I’d cover her shift if she needed me to.”
“Sounds like fun,” I tell her; I don’t know that I’d show up for the football portion, but a bonfire sounds fun.
“Tucker said Lee will be there.”
“I figured that.” I laugh. “Those boys don’t do much without one another. Kinda like us,” I quip.
“Yep,” she agrees with me before we fall into a fit of giggles.
Lee:Are you off today?
Allison:I am; what’s up?