Page 9 of Just A Kiss

“Be safe, y’all. And don’t do anything stupid,” Lindsay says, turning her sights on Allison and me.

“Yeah, wrap that shit up,” Tucker says before slapping me on the back. I take that as our cue to exit stage left and get the hell out of this bar.

* * *

It doesn’t take longbefore we’re in my truck and on our way to my place.

I reach over in the dark cab of my truck and find Allison’s warm thigh. My hand fits perfectly over it, almost as if it was made for me. She rests her hand over mine, drawing small circles on the back of my hand with her fingertips.

The ride to my place is silent, except for the old country music coming from the speakers. The way Tim McGraw croons on about not taking the girl from him. Brings back memories from my childhood and listening to this song.

I pull into my driveway, parking the truck outside of my garage. I have it filled with some wood I’m using to make my mom some things she’s asked for. I kill the engine, then give Allison’s thigh a squeeze before I open my door and hop out. I’ve almost made it around to the passenger side when she pops the door open and slides out.

I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear as we stand outside, staring at one another. The moon and stars are out tonight, as is a brisk chill in the air. I shiver as the cold pushes past my thin layers of clothing. “Let’s get inside where it isn’t so damn cold,” I suggest. I slide my hand into hers, and sparks shoot straight up my arm from our contact.

She walks beside me as we make our way inside my house. I flip on the lights as soon as we enter the front door. Once Allison is inside, I close the door behind us, flipping the deadbolt out of habit.

“Would you like something to drink?” I ask, my manners not getting far from me.

“Sure, what do you have?” she asks, and I detect a hint of nerves.

“Water, beer, maybe some juice, and a pop or two,” I tell her as I make my way into the kitchen and open the fridge.

“Pop or water is fine,” she says, following me.

I grab her a Dr Pepper, popping the top before I hand it over. I reach back into the fridge and grab a bottle of water for myself.

I lean against the counter, facing Allison as she stands just inside the doorway of the kitchen. I drink her in, from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. She’s always been sexy to me. The quintessential girl next door with the natural beauty. She looks just as good with her hair up in a messy bun and no makeup as she does when she’s all dressed up and ready to hit the town. I swear she never had an awkward adolescent stage like most of us had.

Allison steps to the side, leaning against the doorframe, and mirrors my stance. We’re now in a staring contest. The air between us practically crackles with the sexual tension. We’ve been dancing around this for months, years if you want to go all the way back to high school, when my attraction for this woman really started.

“Why are you standing all the way over there?” she finally asks, taking a sip of her pop.

“I thought you might back out for a moment there. I was just trying to give you some space if you needed it,” I tell her as I set my water down on the counter. I quickly close the few feet of distance between the two of us. I stop only once I’m inches from her, the palms of my hands resting against the wall behind her as I box her in.

I tower over her by a few inches, and with us this close, she has to crane her neck to look up at me. I smirk as I tilt my head down, bringing our lips close enough they’re almost touching.

“Tell me what you want tonight,” I request. “I need to know your boundaries,” I add before she can reply.

“My-my boundaries?” she questions, but I don’t miss the flash of heat in her eyes. Her mind went straight to the gutter, and I’m here for that kind of thing. “Do you mean, like, kinky shit?” She scrunches her nose up.

I can’t help but laugh at her question. “Maybe, but mostly what you’re hoping will happen tonight. What is on the table, and what’s a no-go. I don’t want either of us to be on different pages,” I tell her honestly. I always make sure women know the score before anything happens. I’m a one-night kind of guy. I’ll rock their world as much as they can manage, that one night, but that’s where it ends. I’m not a seconds kind of guy, usually.

“I’m here for you to fuck me, Lee. I thought that was pretty clear when I agreed to come home with you.”

I puff out a breath in a half bark of laughter at her crass words. If there is anything that Allison does well, it is not beat around the bush. She’s as straightforward as they come.

“Do you like blindfolds? Silk ties?” I ask, as I’m curious how spicy or vanilla she likes things.

“I’ve never tried them,” she says, and I don’t miss the hint of redness in her cheeks as they blush. “But I’d be interested in trying them sometime. With the right partner, that is. One I know that I can trust with my life,” she quickly adds.

“Kink play definitely comes with a high level of trust. From both partners involved.”

“I can only imagine,” she muses. “So, does that mean that you like those types of things?” she asks.

“Yes, but I don’t use them often. As I said, they require a high level of trust, and you don’t get that with one-night stands very often.”

“Maybe we can change that,” she says before pushing up on her toes slightly and bringing our lips together.