Page 32 of Drunk Girl

I once again laugh at her ignorance to the game. “That’s because they’re one of the hottest teams in the league the past eight or so seasons. And as I said a little bit ago, if they win tonight, they’ll win the cup. And they’re on home ice, so that stadium is packed full of Eagles fans.”

“Do you ever go to games here?”

“I love going to games. We should plan on going to one next season. I think you’ll like it. I have a buddy, Ethan, who used to play for the Preds, that I usually go with. He’s now a tattoo artist at a shop not far from the bar.”

“Sounds fun!” She bounces lightly next to me as she watches the game. “Holy crap!” she says as we watch a defenseman from the Eagles hit a Columbus player against the boards. She turns to look at me. “They can do that?”

“Yep. It’s a pretty brutal game sometimes.”

“But he just popped back up like nothin’ happened,” she says, flabbergasted at the play.

Laughing once again, I tug her a little closer. “Just all part of the game. The Eagles are going to do everything in their power to close out the series tonight, and the other team is going to do everything they can to keep the series alive. Keep from ending their season as the losing team.”

Our conversation lulls as we watch the remainder of the first period. “This is so exciting,” she says, once the game breaks for the first intermission.

“I’m glad you think so,” I tell her as I reach for the remote. I mute the TV while the intermission report comes on. “So, are you all ready for your new job tomorrow?”

“Yes. I’ve got the address already programmed into my phone. I’m going to get up at six, shower, have breakfast, and leave around seven twenty. That should give me plenty of time to drive there, even with morning traffic. The GPS on my phone says it’s only a fifteen-minute drive from here, but I know with morning traffic, that can easily double. I also don’t want to be late for my first day, so having a little buffer of time will be good, I think.”

“Sounds like a great plan,” I tell her, then get up and head into the kitchen. I grab a spare key off a magnetic bar I have mounted on the wall, then walk back into the living room. “Here, take this.” I hand over the key. “This way, you can lock up when you leave in the morning and you can come back here once you’re off work. I’ll be at the bar, but you’re welcome to come back. I wouldn’t complain about finding you in my bed when I get home from work tomorrow night.”

“Thanks,” she says, accepting the key. “You’re sure you’re ready for me to have this? Kinda a big step, isn’t it?”

“It is, but it makes sense. Especially with our schedules not really lining up once you start tomorrow. You can come and go as you want. Just promise me that you’ll be in my bed when I get home on the weekends. It might be late those nights, but I can promise you I’ll be ready to sink inside you after my long shifts, take my time making you come.” I watch as her breath hitches and I know my words are turning her on. I can see her nipples harden beneath the thin cotton of her tank. My cock swells in my shorts and there’s no hiding it.

“I’ll think about it,” she says, a smirk filling her lips as she looks up at me.

“Don’t make me come hunt you down when I get off work Friday night.”

“Who says you’ll have to hunt me down?” she says coyly. “Maybe I’ll come keep you company at the bar. Sit at the end all night, sipping on a drink, eating some nachos, driving you crazy with some low-cut top…”

“Woman,” I groan.

“What?” she says on a laugh.

“With you there distracting me, I won’t get work done.”

“You were just fine the last few times I was in there.”

“Yeah, but that was before I knew what it was like to be inside of you. To see your perfect body without clothes on. Before I knew what your nipples and pussy feel and taste like against my tongue,” I tell her, then pull her against me and capture her lips in a demanding kiss. She immediately opens to me, straddling my lap an instant later.

We make out like teenagers for a few more minutes, neither one of us able to get enough of the other. If I could keep my lips on this woman twenty-four seven, I would. I’m becoming that addicted to her.

“Game’s back on,” she says, after we break apart and she looks over her shoulder at the TV.

I grab the remote and un-mute it as we both settle back in beside each other. I watch her reaction as the Eagles continue to dominate the game. They easily keep control of the lead and finish out with a win. We watch a bit longer as the teams complete the handshake line, then the team is awarded the cup.

“That was so cool how they all shook hands. I’ve never seen something like that,” she tells me while we watch all the guys pass the trophy around as they each take a lap around the ice.

“It’s a hockey tradition. At the end of each playoff series, the teams come together and form the handshake line. It’s a great show of sportsmanship. These two teams battled it out and unfortunately for one team, they go home the losers and the other team will be out celebrating all night long. Then, in a few days, the home team will have a big parade in their town. In most cities, it draws hundreds of thousands of people out.”

“That’s pretty cool,” she says on a yawn, then looks over at the clock on the wall. “I need to get to bed. It’s already past my bedtime.”

“Then let’s get you off to bed,” I tell her, standing and offering her my hands to pull her up.

“You don’t have to go to bed with me. I know you like to stay up later.”

“I’ll be fine. I just want to hold you.”