“Oh, I’m here to impress,” he says, squeezing my hip. “Let’s go grab what you’ll need for tonight and tomorrow, and then swing by the store to pick up some steaks for me to grill.”
“Sounds like a plan.” I stand and follow him out of the bathroom, then sit on the edge of his bed and watch him strip his work clothes off before pulling a clean t-shirt and pair of shorts on.
“You’re drooling,” he says, looking over at me with a smirk.
“I am not,” I state, then wipe a hand across my lip, just to make sure.
“You could have been, and I made you check,” he says, cackling as he approaches the bed where I’m perched. He crowds my space, boxing me in as he places an arm down on the bed on either side of me. “I think someone was enjoying the view in front of her.” He brings his lips to my cheek, then moves over to my neck, and nips at my earlobe.
“Maybe.” I moan slightly at the sensation his lips against my skin evoke.
“Maybe, my ass. Someone was ready to strip out of her clothes and climb me like a tree,” he replies against my skin as he nips at my neck.
“Okay, Mr. Cocky.” I push him back gently. “Enough of that. You promised me some dinner and if we don’t get a move on, I have a feeling that we’ll never get out of here.”
“I promise to feed you before I make you scream my name later.”
“Someone is sure full of himself,” I say on a laugh.
“You’ll be full of me later, baby. That, I can promise,” he says, then helps me stand, wrapping his arm around my waist. He slaps me on the ass then kisses me hard on the lips. “Let’s get moving.”
We head out to his truck, stopping at my apartment first.
“Hey, Mom,” I say as we enter the apartment.
“Glad to know you’re alive,” she states from her spot at the table in the kitchen.
“Sorry.” I know I haven’t really kept her informed as to when I was going to be home lately, not that I even knew myself. “Mom, this is Nick. Nick, this is my mom, Donna.”
“Nice to meet you, ma’am,” Nick greets her, holding out his hand.
“Nice to meet you,” she replies as she accepts his hand. “You the reason my daughter hasn’t been home much since moving in?”
“Guilty as charged,” he tells her, a smirk on his face.
“I got a job today,” I tell my mom, changing the subject, which brings her attention back to me.
“Ashley, that’s great news! Where at?” she asks.
“Healing Touch Counseling, as a receptionist. I got it through a temp agency that I applied with.”
“Is it a long-term position?” she questions, and I tell her everything Jackie explained to me earlier today.
“I’m proud of you,” she replies, when I finish. “I hope it works out well for you.”
“Thanks, Mom, I’m excited for it. I start tomorrow. They needed someone as soon as possible, so it was a perfect fit, and Nick is making me a celebratory dinner tonight because of it. We just stopped by so I could pick up some things that I’ll need for my first day.”
“Have a good night, then. Call me tomorrow and tell me how things go on your first day.”
“I will,” I promise my mom and then take off for my room. I grab a small duffel bag and toss in some lounge clothes, some panties and bras, a couple t-shirts, shorts, and a pair of jeans, before I rummage through my closet and pull out the few business casual outfits I have. I’ll have to get creative with mix and matching the items until I can afford to buy some new clothes.
“Need any help?” Nick asks as he sits on the bed, watching me toss everything into the bag.
“Nope, I’m good,” I tell him, remembering to dig through my closet for a few pairs of shoes. One last trip into the bathroom to grab my makeup bag and toiletry bag and I’m ready to go.
I get everything to somehow fit into the duffle and zip it closed. “I’m all ready. I figured I’d bring a few extra things, just in case I end up back at your place tomorrow night or later this week,” I tell him, as my cheeks pink.
“I like that idea. Saves us from having to come back over here again tomorrow,” he says, tugging on my pockets until I’m standing between his spread legs. His hands slide around my hips as he grips them. I lean down to meet him for a chaste kiss before pulling back.