“I’m sure that can be arranged,” she says on a light moan. I pull back and reach into the closet to grab another towel, placing it on top of the other one resting on the countertop.
I make quick work of turning on the water, letting it warm up for a minute before stepping under the stream, then hold my hand out for Ashley to follow me.
“Can you turn it up?” she asks as she moves under the water. “I like it hot.” She runs her hands over the top of her head, directing the water down her hair and back. I reach around her and turn the water up a little.
“How’s that?” I ask, already feeling the water scald my skin.
“Perfect. It’s not too hot for you, is it?” She bites that bottom lip again.
“I’ll be fine,” I tell her, standing so the water doesn’t hit me much.
“You can turn it down if it’s too hot. I know I like it hotter than most people.”
“As I said, I’ll be fine.” I slip my arm around her waist and pull her into me. “I’ve got you to protect me from it,” I say on a laugh.
“Okay,” she says before I kiss her.
“I only have guy shampoo and body wash, but you’re welcome to use it.”
“I don’t mind smelling like you,” she says. “I rather like the smell of you, so it can’t be that bad.”
I grab the shampoo and squirt some into her open palm, then do the same to my own. I lean forward and place my head under the water, thankful it’s cooled off some since first turning it up for her. I stand back up and wash my hair as she does the same with her own, then wait while she rinses and steps out of the way. I watch as she washes her body—how easily her hands slip over her curves, how easily mine could do the same, and my cock stirs at the sight. I push those thoughts from my mind. We need to cool things off for the night, give our bodies time to recover from tonight’s activities.
We finish up in the shower and quickly get dried off. Back in my bedroom, I grab a clean pair of briefs from my dresser drawer. “Would you like a t-shirt to sleep in?”
“Yes, please,” she says as she finds her panties on the floor and slips them on. I pull a t-shirt from a drawer and hand it over to her. It swallows her up, but damn, does she look good in my clothes. I’m thankful Katie had clothes here for her to wear earlier as I don’t think we would have gotten any work done in the bathroom otherwise. Just something about a woman in my clothes that could bring me to my knees.
“Did you want a toothbrush?”
“If you have an extra one, that would be great,” she says, then follows me back into the bathroom. I rummage under the sink and find one, handing it over. “Thanks.” She grabs my toothpaste tube from the counter and we stand next to each other, so domesticated as we brush our teeth.
“Do you work tomorrow?” she asks once we’ve settled back in bed. She’s slid right back into my side, with my arm wrapped around her and my hand covering her hip.
“I need to go in for a little while to help Kaiden with paperwork, but I’m not scheduled to tend bar. You want to get together for dinner?”
“Sure,” she says on a yawn, snuggling in closer before drifting off to sleep. I look over to the clock and see it’s already two in the morning. I didn’t realize so much time had already passed by tonight. I let sleep claim me as I hold her tight in my arms.
* * *
“Morning,”a sleepy voice says, as I stir next to Ashley.
“Good morning, beautiful.” I roll over and hover my mouth over hers before I steal a morning kiss. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Yes!” she says, then stretches. I watch the rise and fall of her chest. Even with my t-shirt covering her, I can see the outline of her perky tits under the fabric. “Best night of sleep I’ve had in a long time. Helps that I had such a warm body to cuddle up next to,” she adds before laying her head back on my chest. I wrap my arm back around her and pull her in close, then pull the sheet and blanket back up over us.
“I should get moving for the day,” I finally say, a few minutes later. “Kaiden will be calling me soon if I don’t show up on my own.”
“I know. I should probably get home myself. Need to get back out and apply for some more jobs today. I can’t stop until I get one.”
“I’m sure you will soon,” I tell her, placing a kiss on the top of her head before we both move to get up.
I get dressed in some cargo shorts and a t-shirt. The June weather is in full force, and I’ll probably be moving cases of beer around in the stockroom, which always gets me sweaty. “Ready?” I ask once Ashley joins me out in the living room.
“Yep. I’ll just grab some coffee once you drop me off,” she says.
“We can stop somewhere and grab you some.”
“No, that’s okay,” she replies, and I feel like a flipping idiot. I know she said money is tight right now with her not working, and here I just suggested stopping and spending money she doesn’t need to be spending.