Page 19 of Drunk Girl

“Nothing special about me, Ash. But I also know how to properly treat a woman and promise that I’ll always treat you with respect, always stop when you ask, let you set the pace of this. I’m not here to pressure you into anything you’re not ready for. I take that shit seriously. So, if this is too much for you, tell me now, because once I make you mine, I don’t think I can hold back.”

Moisture builds up in her lashes. I reach up, cupping her face and wiping the tears from her eyes. “I hope one day you’ll tell me who hurt you. I already want to beat the shit out of them for it, and I don’t even know who the bastard is or what he did to you. But I know someone has hurt you and I promise never to do the same.”

I place a soft kiss on her cheek as I hold her close, letting the silence surround us.

“I was raped in college. It’s why I dropped out.” Her whisper fills the room, and my body stiffens as I hold her tighter against me.

“I’m so fucking sorry,” I say in apology as my blood boils.

“Tiffany and I were at a frat party. I’d had a little too much to drink and started to feel funny. This guy I’d been dancing with led me into his room and forced me down on his bed. I don’t remember much past that. I woke up in the ER. They completed a rape kit, but he used a condom. Thankfully, I didn’t contract any STDs or get pregnant, but I felt used and dirty, and like it was my fault for months afterwards. It took me almost two years before I dated again, and unfortunately, it was one bad relationship after the next for the last couple of years. My mom wasn’t the greatest example growing up. She’s gone from one loser to the next. Many who abused her, abused me.”

“Fuck,” I seethe as I hold her tighter. “I’m so sorry that happened to you. Did they ever charge the bastard?”

“Hardly. He got off with a slap on the wrist. It was his word against mine. He came from money and I didn’t. His parents swooped in and brought their high-priced attorney. The DA did what they could, but they played dirty and used my home life growing up against me. Tried to make it look like I targeted him because of who he was, who his family was. Tried to play it off as if I was a gold digger, looking at a big payout, when that was the farthest from the truth.”

“What a fucking asshole.”

“It was bad. He was very popular on campus, so everyone knew about what was going on. I was constantly being harassed by people to the point that I couldn’t go to class without being attacked verbally or spit at, bumped into hard enough to knock me over, or at least knock whatever I was carrying out of my arms and onto the ground. I even had professors who turned a blind eye to the way I was being treated, not to mention how my assignments were being graded. I filed a complaint with the university and was allowed to withdraw without being given failing grades.”

“I am so sorry you had to live through all of that. I don’t blame you for not wanting to go back to school.” The rage I’m feeling for what Ashley went through all those years ago has me wanting to go out and find the motherfucker who did this to her and teach him a lesson, give him the beatdown he should have received behind bars. “Does the bastard live around here?”

“No,” she says, her voice small as she holds me tight. “He was from California, and as far as I know, he moved back after he graduated. Tiffany kept tabs on him for a while, but she hasn’t mentioned him in a long time, knowing that I don’t really care to hear anything about him. As long as I don’t ever have to see him again, I’ve managed to move past that time in my life. I saw a therapist for a little while after, but had to stop going when the funding ran out from the nonprofit that helped pay for my visits. I couldn’t afford the visits on my own but was thankful for all the help they were able to provide.”

“I’m glad you were able to get help. I can only imagine what it was like to go through all of that.”

“It’s made me a stronger person, for sure. If money wasn’t an issue, I’d go back to school—somewhere different—and get a counseling degree, then open up a nonprofit that provides counseling to abused victims. Not just rape victims, but for women and men who have been in abusive relationships, kids who have been abused by parents or other relatives, family members, et cetera.”

“That’s amazing. I hope your dreams come true one day,” I tell her as I squeeze her shoulders, then push her back slightly so I can make eye contact. “I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I already know you well enough to know you’d be fantastic at it. Think of all the people you could help.”



Openingup to Nick about my past wasn’t something I’d planned to do. I don’t like talking about it, but he made me feel so safe. I couldn’t not tell him. If anything serious is going to happen between the two of us, he should know.

“How about some dinner?” Nick suggests as we finally pull apart. “I’ve worked you hard enough today, the least I can do is feed you once again.”

“I could eat,” I say, just as my stomach rumbles loud enough for both of us to hear.

“I guess so.” He laughs. “What sounds good to you?”

“I’m easy,” I tell him, then realize how bad that sounded. “I mean, I’m not picky. Whatever you want to have is fine with me.”

“I know what you meant,” he says, still laughing at me. “How about I order some pizza? We can watch a movie before I take you back home.”

“Sounds good,” I agree. “But only if you order me a pizza with Canadian bacon. But no pineapple,” I add, grimacing.

“I thought you were easy?” he teases.

“I am, but pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza,” I say, smacking his abs. “Ever.”

“Got it,” he says, snagging my hand and holding it against him. “Anything else you’d like on your pizza?”

“Nope,” I tell him, popping the P. “Just Canadian bacon and I’m good.”

“All right,” he says on a drawl, then slips his cell out of his pocket and taps away at an app for a minute. “Pizza should be here in a half hour. How about we head into the living room and find a movie to watch?”

“What types of movies do you like?” I ask, once we’re situated on the couch together.